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New members - Introduce yourself!

Posted in France forum

Have you just joined our community? Then take a couple of minutes to introduce yourself to our other members! What are you doing in France? What are you looking for in the community? And what are your ideas of how we can improve the France community?

We hope you enjoy the Just Landed as much as we do. Good luck in France!

Go to Deleted user's profile

  • Go to Kate s's profile

    teaching English in France

    posted by  Kate s in France forum 

    Hi! I'm a recent graduate (finished my undergraduate degree in English [literature]) and I'm hoping to take my step into the world and head to France soon. I am interested in the possibility of studying to and then teaching the English language in French schools somewhere in France and was wondering if anyone knows what sort of certifications/requirements are necessary to teach English in France?
    Merci d'avance!

    p.s. - I have a very basic knowledge of French.

  • Nicola Conron

    working in Mougins

    posted by  Nicola Conron in France forum 

    Hi.. I just arrived last week to begin work in Mougins as a pastry chef.. Finding it a bit tough cos not only am I the only girl in the kitchen but my days off are when everyone else seem to be working! I love the South of France though and I do appreciate how lucky I am to be enjoying a beautiful sunny day like today when it is snowing back home!!

  • Work and Residence Permits for non-EEA Spouses of EEA Citizens?

    posted by Deleted user in France forum 


    My name is William; I am American, and I have been married to my Dutch wife for 21 years; we have five kids. We are considering moving to France. I know that neither she nor the kids need a residence or work permit. However, I do not know what my status would be in France. We are both teachers. I would be grateful for any information that you all could provide me.

  • From Paris

    posted by Deleted user in France forum 

    Are you teaching there till June ? Are you pleased with your students ?

  • Claire B


    posted by  Claire B in France forum 

    hi... I am Claire, I am living in Cannes an working in a Lycee in Nice, I am living with my friend....I love living here its amazing its sunny and its Febuary!! Its raining back i Manchester!! soo glad I am here in the sun!

    I wanted to make new friends so joined this website!! hope it works! : )
    If you want to chat send me a message! : )

  • Go to JOBO V's profile

    posted by  in France forum 

    I m dutch living in france (the correze), last year i worked on a holliday-parc, and i like france.
    I m here for friends and contacts

  • Go to Jane Humm's profile

    Hi new arrivals

    posted by  Jane Humm in France forum 

    Hi there, I am an old lady, married to an old man and living in a very old house needing loads of work in a very old village. We have been here for three years, what do I dislike? Snails, the strange local language, not being able to see my grandchildren every day....what do I like? People smiling at me, sava, lots of kissing, the family coming first and teenagers singing and whistling in the street and saying hi.

    Well how lucky are we our daughter and her husband and two little girls have come to enjoy our adventure, but my daughter is lonely we all have very little French and the young Mums are too shy to speak their limited English and my girl is very shy. Also our little 4 year old although at school with her 3 year old sister is suffering from not having an
    English speaking freind to chat to, she is such a chatterbox and she feels really isolated. Are there any little folk in Creuse who would like to get together with other little folk and their parents????? It would be great to see my two girls laughing and smiling at their life here in Creuse.

    Thanks for the Forum

  • M. A

    Hi every body

    posted by  M. A in France forum 

    Hi, I´m a Jordanian guy 29 years old .I have been living in Germany during the last year ( but I don't speak German). Right now, I live in France for about 8 months, doing my PhD degree in Electronics. I would like to meet people / make friends who lives in France- Bordeaux and are interested in speaking English since I don't speak French (at least till now) . Thanks

  • Juan Pablo Capilla

    Hi Sereenna!!

    posted by  Juan Pablo Capilla in France forum 

    Hi Serena, i also looking for friends, i ll travel tu Spain and France on june.. Please, send me an email [...] big kisses.-! JP

  • Juan Pablo Capilla

    Hi Sereenna!!

    posted by  Juan Pablo Capilla in France forum 

    Hi Serena, i also looking for friends, i ll travel tu Spain and France on june.. Please, send me an email [...] big kisses.-! JP

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