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Are Germans rude??

تم وضع المناقشة في منتدى ألمانيا

Many of my foreign friends who live in Germany complain that Germans are very rude - or at least unfriendly.

Obviously, as a German myself I don't really experience us that way. But I would like your opinion: Are we really as cold as some people say????

  • Big D اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    i have been to the states. in a bigger city nobody smiles and greets you all the time. after half an hour you could not take it anymore to smile and greets hundreds of people. are you talking about the countryside? well it's the same in germany. when i visited my friends on the village as a child, i was always wondering why they greet everybody. they told me on the countryside that's what you do. but not in a metropolitan area. also it is not "german" not to greet or to smile. i have been all over europe and partially south america. never witnessed this behavior anywhere.
    do you think, everybody smiles and greets in bangladesh or tokio? im not talking about store associates. im talking about the regular person on the streets. i work on a military post in germany. i never counted but i would say at least 50 percent of the people do not smile and greet. i had a particularly rude experience with two american women just recently. they work with me in the same building and know people in my department. i met them twice on the street walking together. both times i said goodmorning. both times no response, just stares...does that mean americans are rude?

  • Laurie Perkins

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    I haven't been a part of this thread in a very long time. But I wanted to explain to Big D. You are absolutely right when you say that when someone comes to a country they should accept it for what it is or please leave it. I am an American and I have had my belly full of those who come to the US who refuse to learn the language and then stand with their hands out wanting special treatment. And certainly no matter where you go you will encounter people who are rude and disrespectful. So I agree completely with your sentiments.

    However, I think this thread has a lot to do with people trying to adjust to a new culture that perhaps is a bit different in its social behavior. I have many wonderful, beautiful and loving German friends and for sure they are not rude to me or to anyone. However, when I visited Germany on two different occasions I did see the cultural difference among strangers. In general Germans do not greet a passer by with a smile when their eyes meet. Because I am an American and I come from a country where in general when you pass someone, even if you don't know them, and your eyes meet, then you smile politely. Perhaps for us, it is just to ease the tension...I think it is in a way our social tradition and it conveys a sense that the person has nothing against you or you can feel safe..I am really not sure exactly what the feeling is. It is just part of our culture. It is not part of Germany's and that is perfectly OK. But it is an adjustment for those coming from a country such as the US where a smile to a stranger is a social norm.

    I have had several conversation with my German friends about this subject. Only because it is different from the way I was raised. And to someone who is raised to smile and be friendly to all, whether you know them or not, it takes a while to adjust to another culture that views it different.

    In the next couple months I will be moving to Germany. It is a beautiful country and the lack of smiles have not detoured me from my desire to want to leave there. But I have some adjustments to get use to. The best thing that anyone can do to understand someone else's culture and country, if they are truly interested in understanding and accepting, is to read and to ask others of that culture how they feel about certain things or why they do certain things. Most people become offended by something because they simply don't understand something, or they take something personally that is not meant to be taken personally, such a smile that is not returned.

    Thank you for your imput. I enjoyed your thoughts on the matter. :-)

  • Big D اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    maybe it encourages some people to bash other nations besides the germans.
    i found this withinn 5 minutes of googleing about other "rude" nations.

  • Ross Penn

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    germans arent rude. who says they are rude?

  • Ron Saxena اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    I am a Master Student, in one of the reputed University of Frankfurt. And my Germans colleagues are mostly Law, Business students, and largely from very well educated background and mostly Native German. I find they are well cultivated seasoned globally aware. I have never encountered impolite behaviour, I have observed there is clear line of separation in terms of personal interaction, which they don't allow Non Europeans to cross. And the points which u mentioned, like high ecological thinking, a social conscience, critical thinking, comes into play, when one can cross that barrier of social interaction.And many people (like me), are struggling at that first step. On the other hand, German Job market is definitely not "Equal Opportunity"..

  • Ulises Kahlo اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    Almoust all posts of this thread are worthless. This thread is bent on making people write. The easiest way is an undiffererentiated stereotype topic, where everybody can have a share in without knowing much.

    [In fact, I think many young Germans f.e. have an high ecological thinking, a social concience in high gear, are idealistic and express a critical opinion of comsumption and globalization - however, a thread about these traits wouldn't have worked the same ;-) ]

    If you really are a student, you should have seen through it at once.

    Finally, your post in no exception either. You can't believe that your post would assist someone in something, can you?

  • Ron Saxena اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    Dora Böhm

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  Ron Saxena في منتدى ألمانيا 

    The thread is perhaps fake, and started by a staff member, to see the public response.. But the posts here are mostly genuine.. And gives a good deal of information on Do-s and Don'ts, and helps in fine tuning social behaviour and expectations.. And may also help a student to decide between two Universities, or a prospective employee to select between Germany and another country.. Or between 2 cities in Germany..

  • Ulises Kahlo اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    Still talking about German rudeness?? This whole thread is a fake. "Dora Böhm" was a staff member. She didn't really want to discuss this topic, but just to set this forum in motion by an emotive subject.

    It's the same with "Blizzy Everhard's" neverending threads: "Racism - how bad is it?" or "German men" ;)

  • Ron Saxena اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    I find Germans are very Technically polite / borderline rude. That means, it lacks warmth and friendliness , but cannot call it rude. Very ethnocentric. People who studies together with me in Library, takes my class notes, eats with me in Uni Cafeteria, does not want to be seen with me in Public bars / Clubs. And behaviour to Europeans and Non European are clearly different.. But does not go beyond threshold, that u can call it racist.

  • Tatia Silagava

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ألمانيا 

    No!! no no no no and once more NO!!! u guys are not rude, neither cold! :)) some ppl of different cultures think everybody in the streets should be smiling at u and talking to u. Germans don't do it very often, because in Germany they find it rude and maybe a lil weird to talk to strangers. Maybe u disturb them by talking to them, or may scare them... I lived in America where simple strangers just smile at u in the streets and compliment u, but I've also been in Germany and they're not like American, but they're also very nice. when u need help, they're always there to give u a hand and they also like it when ur interested in their country and culture.. just be nice, polite and natural with Germans. They're not monsters after all!! :)) I have a lot of German friends and they're all really nice )

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