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Relocating to Milan (Bocconi)

تم وضع المناقشة في منتدى ميلانو

Hello, Guys!
I'm going to leave Malta ... I'm looking for an accomodation in Milan (Bocconi area) since September ... anyone offering room/bed in international sharing flat?

See ya,

  • DUDA Traslochi اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ميلانو 

    Siamo un azienda di traslochi a Milano,per il fine mese di Iuglio traslochiamo per Malta partenza da Milano,abbiamo ancora disponibilità di 10mc sul furgone e al ritorno ritorniamo vuoti.Se avete bisogno del nostro servizio potete inviare un e-mail a [...] o visitando il nostro sito potete inviare una richiesta di trasloco direttamente dal sito.


  • Sophie Vos اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ

    تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل  في منتدى ميلانو 

    I am not offering a room but I am also moving to Milan so can help. I found that the website was really useful for finding a room, it is worth paying a months membership too!
    Hope this helps

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