تم وضع المناقشة في منتدى سويسرا
I don't know if it is me or the Swiss - but I'm having a real hard time connecting to natives over here. Does anyone have similar experiences with closed-minded Swiss people? And what does it take to break the ice?
Are the Swiss closed-minded?
تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل jon gore في منتدى سويسرا
It's important to avoid making broad generalizations about an entire group of people based on individual experiences. While some individuals in Switzerland, like anywhere else, might appear closed-minded, it's not fair to label an entire population as such.
Breaking the ice and connecting with Swiss natives, or people from any culture, often involves patience, understanding, and open-mindedness from both sides. Building relationships takes time, and making an effort to understand and appreciate the local culture can go a long way in fostering connections.
Swiss people...
تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل Raquelle L'Orean في منتدى سويسرا
Thanks for your answers! I finally got to meet some Swiss people and after a while it turned out that they're really nice and open-minded after breaking the ice. I guess it just takes a little longer here ;)
Swiss people...
تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل Pauline Pham في منتدى سويسرا
Hi Raquelle
I am lucky in that because I am here with my fiance (who is a local Swiss), I have instant access to his family and friends network. They are very sincere and generous people once they get to know you. I've only been here for 1 month and they have all been very welcoming. What I have been told many times by various Swiss people, is to truly integrate into Swiss society, you must know the language. It is the social gateway. I guess in Bern, learning Swiss-German is thus the key. Networking between friends of friends seems to be the next step. Good luck!
تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل تم حذف المستخدم في منتدى سويسرا
It depends really where you are geographically in Switzerland. I have been living in the French part for a few months, and as a foreigner they are really friendly. They are, in a sense, very French, emotional and expressive with the feelings and thoughts.
Swiss characters ...
تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل Karl Maizier في منتدى سويسرا
Compared to the Austrians - the Swiss ARE closed-minded!
Closed-minded Swiss
تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل Liliane M في منتدى سويسرا
Hi Raquelle! The Swiss are actually not closed-minded, but simply don't tend to show their emotions. Don't get shyed off by this - and after a while you'll discover their true character!! You will break the ice eventually ;o)