تم وضع المناقشة في منتدى كامبريدج
hello good, I have 2 weeks living in cambridge studying aupair working well, and I'd like to meet nice people to go out, go to the cinema, and to practice my English that I have regular (
تم حذف المستخدم
Hello :)
تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل E Be في منتدى كامبريدج
I live in Newmarket near Cambridge. I would like to learn German and I wonder if anybody would be interested in a language skills swap. My English or Polish for your German. Anybody interested?
Meet in Cambridge
تم إرسال المناقشة من قبل Judit Tuba في منتدى كامبريدج
Hello, I've lived in Orwell (near Cambridge) 6 weeks ago, I am looking for friends to go out and talk in English!