2021 10th International Conference on Software and Information Engineering (icsie 2021)

نوفمبر/تشرين الثّاني

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Cairo, Egypt

Suez Road, Suez, Egypt Map

Organized by: The British University in Egypt, Egypt

Call for papers
Topics about Software and Information Engineering
For details about topics, please visit at http://www.icsie.org/cfp.html

All accepted papers must be written in English and will be published in International Conference Proceedings by ACM, which is indexed by *Ei Compendex*, and *Scopus* and are expected to be widely read and cited.

Good News: ICSIE 2018-2020 conference proceedings have been published by ACM, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus successfully.

1. Full paper(publication and presentation)
2. Abstract (presentation)

For full paper, please upload it to the Electronic Submission System (.pdf) http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsie2021
For abstract, please send it to icsieconf@163.com
More detail about submission, please visit at http://www.icsie.org/sub.html

Ms. Teri Zhang
Webtsite: http://www.icsie.org/
Email: icsieconf@163.com
Tel: +86-13290000003

Vera Foster اذهب إلى الملف الشخصي لـ
 Vera Foster