Ahmed Kandil
معلومات عني
Ahmed Kandil
- معلومات عني:
- I was born in Dec 1972 in Cairo , Egypt , I have graduated from the faculty of specific Education , communication Branch , Ain Shams University since 1995. I began my discovery of calligraphy, when I heard about ACI ( Arabic CalligraphyInstitute ) in Cairo, I decided to join it, I have studied all kind of Arabic Calligraphy art for 6 years. I have awarded a Diploma in Arabic Calligraphy and gilding since 2005, and I gained a Certificate to teach Arabic Calligraphy in Elementary schools. ACI made me really understand the letters,how they are built up and relate to each other I did my best to learn it . I have been fascinated with Arabic calligraphy styles , specially Thuluth style, because it is the most attractive and captivating Style in Arabic Calligraphy , it has a complexed and intertwined lettering , but has a charmingview , at the same time. I have learned Styles of Arabic Calligraphy which include Naskh , Reqaa, Kufi,Dewani, Farisi and Thuluth, Each Style has its own characteristics. My love and infatuation with Arabic calligraphy led me to take more steps towards learning the logo design to serve the business sector who may need the Arabic calligraphy art interweaved with logo design. I have designed many Logos for Companies and corporations all over the world.
- الإقامة في:
- Egypt
- اللغات:
- Arabic, English
- البحث عن:
- الأصدقاء, معارف العمل
- العمر:
- 52 سنوات
- مجتمعات:
- Egypt
- الموقع:
- http://www.arabic-calligraphy.com/
- مدونة:
- http://www.arabic-calligraphy.com/social
- الهوايات:
- Art, Basketball, Football, Swimming
- شركة/مؤسسة:
- Arabic Calligraphy Services
- الموقع:
- http://www.arabic-calligraphy.com
- مدونة الشركة:
- http://www.arabic-calligraphy.com/social
- مجال العمل:
- Art- Arabic Calligraphy
- منصب:
- General Manager