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Are Germans rude??

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Many of my foreign friends who live in Germany complain that Germans are very rude - or at least unfriendly.

Obviously, as a German myself I don't really experience us that way. But I would like your opinion: Are we really as cold as some people say????

  • Отиди на профила на John Lovejoy

    публикувано от  в Германия форум 

    Sabrina you are not responsible for the actions of others.
    You are free independent person.
    And what others, even some of your landsmen do does not reflect on you.
    You are your own person.

    This is not YOUR responsibility to tackle ( only if you want to).
    The wolds problems don’t rest your shoulders
    No one would ever expect this of you.

    The best you can do.
    Be who YOU are, stand stall, speak your mind, do what YOU think is right and above all enjoy life.
    With that you embody the change you desire.

    IMHO, the German state is largely responsible for this.
    It’s their policies that are at the root of the problem.

  • Отиди на профила на John Lovejoy

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    To YT.

    Germany is between a rock and a hard place.
    They suffer from a severe population decline and many of the younger educated people ready to have kids are leaving for opportunity, more pay and less bureaucracy.
    That’s double whammy.
    Adding to that they have an over- proportionate amount of old people.

    I would not be surprised if there are more Germans outside of Germany around the globe than in Germany.
    This is why they are bringing in people.
    But many, especially the majority of older folks don’t take to that very well.
    And a certain demographic of the younger ones see this an attack on their race.
    Both not really understand what’s going on.

    Germany is also edging increasingly closer to full blown socialism, an outdated concept, not very attractive to educated ambitious people with dreams of a better future with less state surveillance and more personal independence.

    Germany could change that but the “Bureaucratic Industrial Complex” does not permit it because it doesn’t serve their interests.

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    @ John Lovejoy
    Do you know what the bad things is. I have know idea how I should handle this. I know I can speak with friends and show them this, but I always was thinking that we (my friends and I) are open minded and do not look at your nationality or something else.
    I am depressed and have know idea to handle with this responsibility.
    I feel bad, that I know that are so may stupid people in Germany who do not accept other cultures or people.....

  • Отиди на профила на John Lovejoy

    публикувано от  в Германия форум 

    @ Sabrina and Anna

    Hey thanks for listening and being open minded to a conversation about this.
    I do believe that there are increasingly more people like you in Germany ready to have a real conversation about this but it’s still a minority.
    State bureaucracy cannot fix this.
    It has to rise out of the consciousness of the people

    What makes it difficult for you as a German to touch on that topic with foreigners and especially Turkish, African, Lebanese, … and so forth, newly minted “Germans”, even 2nd and third generation is that at first most won’t trust you to open up about this.
    Afraid of the common knee-jerk reaction “ You don’t like it, get out”
    For me as an American it is much easier, because they know I won’t bark a them and share a similar experience. ( though as a white person not near as severe)

    How often do I meet someone and get talking.
    After 3 minute, “ Hey how do like living in Germany?”
    Most smile and say “ well you know” and we both laugh.
    We don’t even have to even talk about it…..that how big the problem is.
    Sometimes we do, and it’s the same story over and over.

    The other day I met tall very dark skinned African fella.
    Super nice guy.
    We got talking whilst standing in the checkout line.
    Went outside and talked for another 10 minutes about all kinds of stuff.

    Told me he’s been in Germany for over 20 years, speaks German very well, German citizen.
    Before parting he said” You know, it would take me years to get close enough to a German to have a simple normal conversation like this.
    I just met you, this is awesome”
    For me it’s odd, because where I come from this is normal.
    And no we did not have to talk about why this is like that that in Germany.

    Thumbs up to you Sabrina and Anna, you have my deepest respect for being forward leaning and open-minded, ready to tackle to the problem.

  • Отиди на профила на John Lovejoy

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    @ Oliver H.
    Stereotype much?
    Only someone obsessed with race or overly race or culture conscious would come up with a goofy allegation like that.
    YT is both, Canadian and Japanese.
    Moreover his ethnicity and or citizenship has no bearing on the content of his posts.
    He is free to feel and think as pleases as member of the human race.

  • публикувано от  в Германия форум 

    It is really hard to hear this negative feelings from people in Germany.
    But sorry Germans here in the forum why you not hear and take what the people say.
    They tell us there feelings and experiences and we can change something with this.
    Of curse not everybody want to hurt "foreigners" in Germany and I think the most like T Y know this. But we have a big responsibility and have to take this chance and do not have to close our eyes. Maybe we do it too long. We expect respect and we have to give respect.

  • Отиди на профила на T Y

    публикувано от  в Германия форум 

    Coming from a highly educated white man, your argument doesn't make sense, but since you mentioned, I am a Canadian, and my background is Japanese. And no, I'm not white if that's what you implied. visible minorities can also be viewed as Canadians as long as they have a Canadian citizenship whereas Germans still consider Germans of foreign origins as Auslaender and treat them accordingly. this is why many Turkish Germans don't feel at home in their own country, that is Germany.

    Good luck to you too, a highly educated white man.

  • Отиди на профила на T Y

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    You keep labeling all the criticism on Germans as racist remarks while dismissing the very reality of life as foreigners in Germany.

    A German individual as civilized as you are, I expected a little more intelligence from you to distinguish between racism and criticism.

    History repeats itself because the human nature stays the same. Many cultures are not made for multiculturalism, including the German culture / mentality, I emphasize Germany is not alone in this. It's unfortunate that your government decided to ignore the opinions of majority of Germans and keep forcing it on Germans. Recognizing the mistakes may help resolve issues. This is why many foreigners are contributing their experiences.

    And you still seem to have a hard time grasping the fact that some of foreigners are in Germany for work, marriage, etc., quite often they don't have control over the situation they are in. They can't just move.

    Unless you are willing to understand the circumstances for such unfortunate foreigners, you will end up telling Auslaender to find a better country and get out of Germany. Sorry my constructive criticism is not up to your civilized standard. But I hope other Germans, perhaps not as civilized and enlightened as you are, but more open minded individuals might find my comments along with the tough comments from others, rather useful and insightful. Anna is a perfect example of what I mean. She comprehended what was said without taking it as a personal attack. And she's trying to be proactive in making positive changes for both Germany and the foreigners in Germany. Big kudos to her. This is why we, the foreigners, share our experiences as Auslaender in your country. Germany needs more people like Anna, but it's not there yet, not even a bit. And I am against this social experiment by the German government until the people demand for multiculturalism.

    Anyways, Daniel, good luck defending your Vaterland.

  • публикувано от  в Германия форум 

    I think I can safely say that your comment does not apply to the standard of a civilized discussion and I take exception to being insulted so.

    If anybody here comes across as thinking himself superior,well, it´s not me.
    But where are my manners? You,sir,are in error. I wish you all the best though, and will refrain from further discussion.
    May you find a nice country more to your liking someday, very sorry it could not be Germany. Same to you, Mr. Lovejoy.

  • Отиди на профила на T Y

    публикувано от  в Германия форум 

    @ Anna, you don't need to be afraid of becoming a foreigner. Racists are everywhere like it's been mentioned multiple times. Whenever im in germany, I see neo nazis once in a while, but I couldn't care less about them. I'm more discouraged by the hostile unfriendly otherwise very normal regular Germans. This is what makes Germany very unique, at least Germany is the only country I lived in where regular folks are so hostile towards foreigners. So in other words, as a German, you should be fine as a foreigners elsewhere.

    I even read somewhere that a Japanese tourist was a little bit confused at the train station while trying to purchase a ticket, so she asked a neo nazi kid nearby, and he kindly helped her. LOL. I'm not saying neo nazis are all angels. But they are harmless when they are not in group, just a bunch of cowards. On the other hand, an old brave German grandma might chase you down just to spit on you.

    Germany is very unique, I doubt you'll experience anything like it as a foreigner in any other country.

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