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Just Landed - Feedback, Suggestions and Bugs

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Help us improve the Just Landed Community! We're looking for feedback, critizism or suggestions for future enhancements.

If you find any bugs or things that seem to wrong, please post them in this discussion as well. When posting a bug (problem), please tell us which browser you're using.

Please post your feedback in English so other community members can understand it as well. Thanks!

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  • Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    Hi Olufemi! There are already a couple of people who have asked us to show the online status. We have put this into our development track, but once we implement it we will probably need a privacy option as not all people might want to show when they are online.

    Thanks for your feedback!

  • Olufemi Adey

    Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    This site is very ok, I want to contribute by saying u should please do something about the online status, For example someone like me will like to know members that are presently online whenever i am on line . Cheers!!!


  • Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    Hi Florence, we still have to build a user option to remove your profile. In the meantime, we will delete your profile through our database.


  • Brigida CASSIGNEUL

    Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    I just joined and as I have time, I wold be happy to help.
    I had a project of an "international CLUB" in Santiago de Compostela where I juste moved a month ago, but your project seems perfect.
    Please tell me about your precise needs ...
    Best regards and many thanks

  • Blizzy Everhard

    Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    Hi guys! Looks like the community is already gaining some tractions, congratulations!

  • Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    Hi Tanya!

    I'm not excatly sure what you're referring to. There are 2 types of messages you get for friendship requests:

    (1) Someone has invited you as a friend. In this case, you get a message that you need to confirm the other persons friendship request. You can find this message under "messages" on the left menue and you should also see a notification on your homepage.

    (2) You have invited somebody else as a friend. In this case, you get a confirmation message when the other person accepts your friendship request. You should also see a notification on your homepage for this. In any case, the person should now show up under your friends on the the left menue.

    There might be an exception to these cases when a user gets blocked (we have measures in the system that block people who send harazzing messages, spam etc.). It could be that somebody invited you and got blocked afterwards. In this case, you might have received a message but will not find the invite of the person anymore as blocked people should not show up anywhere. This is a little bit confusing, but we do so to protect our members.

    Does this answer your question?

    Best regards,

  • Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    Hi Aleksandra, unfortunately we don't have an option to delete your account directly but we're building this. If you want us to block your account, let me know and we will do so. Also, it would be great if you could tell us why you want to delete your account. We're still improving our community, so any feedback is welcome.

    Regards, Daniel

  • Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    wie kann ich mich löschen?

  • Sharon Coetzee

    Postado por  em Mundo forum 

    Hi Daniel.
    Thank you for your quick response. I will take your advice and search on the Switzerland forum. You have been very helpful.

  • Dorota ...

    Postado por  em Mundo forum 


    There are lots of them as far as I know, so it depends where is the most convenient for you, and they are not only in French speaking part of the country, even though it would be better to live in that part, as you want to learn French.. The ones that I know about, are recommended:

    but you can try others of course, so even more you can find here:

    All the best:)

    And to Daniel..
    Sorry for that OT, but Sharon asked here, so I answered here putting a new subject of the message.
    Or in such a situation maybe should I have changed the thread to write to Sharon?

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