Steven Mattern

Sobre mim

Steven Mattern
 Steven Mattern
Sobre mim:
Some German/G. Language orientated things I like: Philosophy: E Husserl, M Heidegger, I Kant; Music: R Wagner, F Schubert and G Mahler leider, A Berg; Literature: F Holderlin and R M Rilke; Sport: that the Bundesliga isn't the virtue oligarchy of The English Premiership; Geography: that the south-west, where I'm going, is mild during winter, and next-door to France and Switzerland.
Vivendo em:
United Kingdom
Procurando por:
Amigos, Contatos profissionais
Germany, United Kingdom


Art, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor life, Travel/Sightseeing, Books, Philosophy, Jamming music amateurishly with friends,
Coisas que gosto:
The Gower, S Wales


Profissao anterior:
TEFL teacher (CELTA certified) I'm not going to Germany to teach (although I'm sure it'll come in handy at some time or other).