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party and free rime

Publikováno v Fórum Kodaň

hi my name is pedro and i am living near copenhague, i am from spain and u would like to know any place to go to party, dance and have something, anybody can help me. i am interesting on weekends, on sundays and may be on saturday night. thak you

  • Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Kodaň 

    I would say "The Rock" is really good

  • Profil uživatele HD V

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Kodaň 

    Hola Pedro!

    En Copenhague tengo entendido que el Souther Cross Pub se pone bueno, allí se reúnen muchos expats, tal vez con suerte te encuentres con algún paisano.


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