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How does it feel to be an American living abroad???

Publikováno v Fórum Francie

I am an American social psychologist who recently returned from a post in Japan, I am working on a project studying the experiences of Americans who live abroad, and would be grateful to hear from anyone willing to share information about the experience. If you are, would you please use this link to complete a very brief survey?

Many thanks in advance for your help!

  • Profil uživatele Kay Craig

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Francie 

    The jury is still out! Most people seem to be excited and positively disposed to their move, that is all that i can glean at this point. I have only received 4 replies and I would like at least 6 more. Thank you for asking! If you have friends who are also American expats, please invite them to participate.

  • Profil uživatele Erin Smith

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Francie 

    Hey, Key.
    What did you find in the survey?

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