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Are Germans rude??

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Many of my foreign friends who live in Germany complain that Germans are very rude - or at least unfriendly.

Obviously, as a German myself I don't really experience us that way. But I would like your opinion: Are we really as cold as some people say????

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    “Más vale macho latino conocido,
    que macho europeo por conocer”

    El precio por enamorarse de un Principe Azul del Primer Mundo

    Aunque las escritoras de este libro relatan entre otras, sus experiencias de adaptación en Holanda, estas vivencias pueden relacionarse con el síndrome del extranjero en el primer mundo.

    Esta es una obra crítica. Es importante mencionar que los criterios aquí vertidos, se refieren al común general de la población holandesa. También encontramos holandeses y otros que tiene apertura y buena actitud.

    Este libro es un compendio de la conocida serie de videos de Youtube “Cultura Holandesa” de Andrea Viveros y Mildred Troconis.

    Holanda es uno de los países más ricos del planeta. Su economía es la más fuerte y mejor estructurada de la Comunidad Europea. Sus leyes sociales han sido tomadas de ejemplo sin éxito en otras naciones y son la envidia de sus propios países colegas de la Unión Europea y Estados Unidos.

    Debido a esto muchos extranjeros que vienen en busca de fortuna ó dinero fácil han invadido el país. Todo con el afán de exprimir estas leyes sociales únicas en el mundo.

    La mayoría de los extranjeros que han venido a Holanda no saben que el estado holandés ha sido desde los años 70 un estado paternalista. El padre benefactor de sus hijos. Ha arrancado a las mujeres de las cocinas, a los jóvenes de sus padres, ha promocionado el libertinaje y la falta de principios, creando así una sociedad atípica, fría y materialista. Ha moldeado mentalidades y endurecido corazones. A la vez ha creado un pueblo, dócil y manipulado, tonto y conformista. Donde nadie pasa hambre o necesidad. Donde todos tienen los mismos privilegios. Donde todo está escrupulosamente organizado y controlado desde el día que se nace hasta el día que se muere.

    En los años noventa, hubo una invasión de mujeres solas, provenientes de Latinoamérica en busca de pasaporte a través de matrimonios de conveniencia, no solo para beneficiarse de estas leyes sino además porque los hombres holandeses son considerados los más “manipulables” de Europa. Después de la caída del bloque comunista, son otros los refugiados, disidentes, expatriados y desplazados que se han diseminado no solo en Holanda sino en todo el continente.

    Estos desmanes y abusos ha demarcado un concepto generalizado del extranjero… Todos son aprovechadores, las mujeres unas caza fortunas o de la vida alegre y todos quieren sacar provecho de éste y otros países. Este concepto abarca además adejtivos como: pobres, ignorantes, analfabetos sin servicios básicos que viven en condiciones infrahumanas. Es por esto que el holandés en general, cree que su obligación es "civilizarlos" "modernizarlos", etcétera.

    Para el holandés, es casi imposible que una mujer extranjera se case por amor… El “bedoeling” o la intención es obtener el pasaporte holandés con el que estas mujeres arreglarán su vida por el resto de sus días.

    Al holandés o europeo se le hace difícil creer que además de las “caza-fortunas” existan también mujeres decentes que se han enamorado de verdad. No puede creer que ellas dejen atrás empleos considerables, una buena posición social, su familia, sus amigos tan solo por amor.

    Muchos, incluso se preguntarán ¿Porqué tan descontentas si han venido al País de las Maravillas? ¡Deberían estar agradecidas de tener un plato caliente que llevarse a la boca!, ya que esta es la mentalidad que el estado ha creado. El holandés está convencido que éste es el país de las maravillas y el resto de la humanidad sus vasallos.

    Los medios de prensa, alcahuetes solapados, han empeorado esta ignorancia al presentar verdades a medias. Únicamente el lado sórdido de pobreza absoluta, abuso y corrupción de las “Bananas Republic”. Es así cuando el holandés llega a un país sudamericano, se encuentra con modernos aeropuertos, alta tecnología, malls o centros comerciales que jamás en su vida ha visto en Holanda, últimos modelos de autos y aparatos electrónicos, hoteles de importantes cadenas, rascacielos de gran lujo, todo un mundo moderno y tecnificado que jamás pensaron existiría fuera de sus fronteras y donde se sienten incómodos.

    Como en Holanda y Europa, todos son iguales, no saben que en otros países las sociedades se manejan con el sistema de clases sociales. Así una mujer de Latinoamérica, puede haber crecido en un ambiente privilegiado, puede hablar de 2 a 3 idiomas, haber tenido una educación superior exquisita, un trabajo y relaciones de trabajo al más alto nivel, tener un grado cultural elevado, por lo tanto, ella no podrá nunca adaptarse a esta sociedad donde será tratada como analfabeta. Esta mujer no podrá socializar ni integrarse jamás a una sociedad inculta, donde no importarán sus logros profesionales, siempre será etiquetada de ignorante y primitiva por quienes no tienen siquiera modales en la mesa. Dentro de este panorama… ¿Qué necesidad tendría esta mujer de salir de su país y comodidades para casarse por interés?.

    ¡Si no les gusta, que se vayan! Dirán algunos… pero estas sociedades del primer mundo, sin principios ni escrúpulos, no entienden que en otras culturas, las mujeres no tiran la toalla sin perseverar y defienden su amor, su matrimonio y su hogar por sobre cualquier adversidad.

    Hay que reconocer que esta arrogancia no solo hace de los holandeses seres abominables sino que además les impide tener la apertura para conocer de todos los frutos que hay en el árbol de la humanidad. De las más de 300 diferentes nacionalidades existentes en Holanda… todas coinciden con el mismo concepto negativo de los locales.

    Este libro es el fruto de una mixtura de sueños y quimeras, amor y desamor, ilusiones y decepciones de dos valientes mujeres que enfrentaron todo por amor. Es una obra crítica y sarcástica de las sociedades desarrolladas, vista con el inigualable y único sentido del humor que caracteriza al latinoamericano, cuyo temperamento alegre, extrovertido y optimista crean un verdadero choque cultural con las sociedades embrutecidas por el poder y el desarrollo.

  • Profil uživatele Joe W

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Nemecko 

    Hey guys! Just thought I'll throw in my 2 cents into this topic.
    I was born in Singapore, but i grew up in Sydney, Australia. (Hence, my singaporean nationality and aussie permanent residency). Anyways, if I were to compare these three countries, I wouldn't see much of any difference. I've met my share of rude and nice Germans, Singaporeans, and Aussies. In Germany, imho, the good outweighs the bad. I've lived here for nearly two years, and my opinion about the rude germans ive met does not represent the average german. Sure, I've been stared at ferociously by a man down at the store for no apparent reason, but these are people you'll find anywhere in the world. People have different ways of expressing their emotions that unfortunately could be immediately described as rude, when in reality, they clearly don't mean it that way. Furthermore, I really think that a person's nationality has no bearing on his or her character.

    I'm half Chinese, a quarter Taiwanese and a quarter Japanese by descent, so I may experience things a little differently than others. I remember there was a nice lady behind the counter at the Auslaenderbehoerde who failed to pronounce my middle name (I've an English first name and a Chinese middle name). She gave up after her first try and said "ching chang chong". I was taken aback. My heart dropped and I felt a little offended, but deep down, I knew she didn't mean that. She wasn't a racist. She was just trying to lighten the mood, but came up with something she didn't know was inappropriate. I let that slide. In fact, we had a really nice conversation thereafter. She even wished me a happy birthday (I was there on my birthday, sad really...).

    I've not met any racist germans (at least, not to me), and I don't intend on meeting one. Most Germans I've met are really friendly. Narrowing it down, it's really a cultural thing: if they know you better, they'll tear down the wall of stereotype themselves. When you first see a person youve never met, you'd form an immediate opinion about him based on his race etc. Unless you're willing to talk and get to know that guy better, you'll never break that first impression. It builds up until you convince yourself that that is the truth. People do that - Americans, Australians, Singaporeans, Germans, Japanese etc alike. The media has been the main propagator of stereotypes - the things we watch on tv has a huge effect on our perception of the world. So if you've met a German who has never seen your kind before, don't be so quick to judge him and call him rude. I had a lot of strangers in shops and cafes ask me if I was from China or Japan (out of the blue). They didn't ask that question rudely; rather, they were just curious. When I told them I came from Singapore and Australia, they got really excited and wanted to converse with me. Just a few weeks ago, while on the ICE, I sat next to a police officer from hamburg who offered me a peach and began a really nice conversation with me.

    I tend to do this a lot, and it has never really failed me. If you make an effort to smile at a stranger, chances are, he or she is going to do the same. Makes the world a happy place...

  • Joe Bob

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Nemecko 

    Yes we are just plain obnoxious!!! HAHAHA

  • Profil uživatele Lester McIntosh

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Nemecko 

    I have to disagree. Most Germans are just plain obnoxious. Sure that's a cultural difference but it doesn't mean they aren't obnoxious. My wife is German and totally sees it. After living in America, she doesn't want to go back.

    Furtheremore, they don't just speak the truth. They only criticize and see their way as superior. They say things that even if true shouldn't be said.

    My wife just had a baby. Her parents harangued her for being fat. They called me fat (I'm 5'10-160#). They even called my Mom fat. They literally never say a nice or polite thing. They are either sullen and moody or spouting vitriol this is a partial list of things from her parents and a few gems from some other Germans:

    We don't know how to take care of our child; we talk too loudly; he needs socks; he is pale; he needs tea; we play with him too much; he should be in bed; American food is awful; our house is messy; Americans are messy; there are too many blacks and Mexicans in America; American refigerators are too big; Americans drive too slowly; Americans are stupid; Americans don't speak English; We talk ugly like we have a mouth full of hot potatoes; We aren't Americans at all because there are other countries in America...I could go on and on....

  • Joe Bob

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Nemecko 

    I will help every people! I live in munich and the people here are super friendly. I don´t remember a serious problem. But maybe I have to open my eyes....
    I will try to see more!
    I can imagine there are more problems at the countryside.
    Do you have serious problems in Augsburg?
    Some Germans are stupid as hell...

    You don´t sound like fishing for sympathy. But I know this problem and I know there is no satisfactory solution...

    I don´t know what the future brings.
    The german law sucks -.- The EU thing sucks -.- So many construction zones...

  • Joe Bob

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Nemecko 

    What should I say? Poor you...

    You have to study in Bavaria to teach here, even if you are German! German law is a little bit strange... But what should we do? Do you know a solution? You can try to let the diploma translated at the embassy but I don´t know if you can use it. You are not alone with this problem. It´s made in Germany.
    Maybe I can change anything in several years.

    I try to be friendly and fair to all people but not cause i am German it´s cause I am human....
    Some people here suck like everywhere!!!

    Oh hey! I know that my english isn´t very good =) If you want you are allowed to correct it

  • Profil uživatele Thoams Sakamoto

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Nemecko 

    i believe that some germans especially Berliner i find them a bit rude .. but its always the one who is not being educated well enough .. so u might as well just ignore.. also if u are not German its hard to understand them for sure .. but u also need to respect them as who they are ..

  • Joe Bob

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Nemecko 

    I realize that we are involved in Afghanistan and Iraq and I feel bad about this.... I wouldn´t go!
    (If you want we can look at Vietnam war)

    Thats it why I don´t care too much about Germany: I can´t steer it!

    Well you live in Augsburg....
    Bavaria isn´t Germany and it is very difficult here but if you really want you can find work. You have to start with low rank work because you have no qualification of a german school.
    If you don´t want to do low rank work, you should visit a school where you can get a diploma^^
    People here are crazy about diploma, it don´t matter what if you are German or American or from Italy.
    Without any diploma it is very difficult....

    My Grandfather was a solider in ww2. He is still alive! But it is the same, he couldn´t choose where he was born. And he couldn´t do anything against ww2...
    I am born in1983 and I am sorry about the war but I can´t steer it and I just live. You should try that to.

  • Joe Bob

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Nemecko 

    Why you can´t get a job? A friend worked at the aiport for some time they search always people... It is a well payed job but hard work...
    I never killed anyone, thats all^^
    You are right! I don´t care about Germany! I am sorry that I was born here but I wasn´t able (nobody asked me).
    But I care for what I do. I try to do only legal things and to hurt nobody but that must be enough......
    Every human should do his own stuff! If you do it right we can do something together - only if you can fix your things^^

    Ps: How many Indians was killed in the USA, how many people from Irak, Afganisthan....

    Do you take responsibility about Georg Bush, about Obama or or or... Are you depressed? I would be if I care about this...

    How many mexican teens are fucked and killed every year?

    I never said you are not critical of my own country?
    Do you write such posts about USA too? Would be cool to read it....
    I never saw them thats why...

    I know in Germany are many things to do but we try to solve them without selling our country to china...

  • Joe Bob

    Publikováno uživatelem  v Fórum Nemecko 

    Don't throw bricks when you live in a glass house American!

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