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timeline for fiancee visa?

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hi. we have our documents submitted for fiance visa in Belgium embassy in Manila first week of oct. and interviewed again first week of dec. we're wondering what is the average processing time for this visa type..we are hoping to get married before our marriage declaration expires feb 10..does anyone here wants to share their experiences re fiance visa? thanks and happy new year!

  • felGUY ****

    Aufgegeben von  in Belgien Forum  

    Hi Tere,
    what's the new law about the income of the sponsor? Can you share with us?

    Hi Rizsha, hope we can have the positive result by 2nd week of November..


  • Gehen Sie zu Tere 419s Profil

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    I am wondering about the topic to Angela, I am sure she felt hard about the result like what I felt b4.
    Anyway about the suggestion of Ton, also it is ok only if you have much patience to wait about an appeal Angela because I know it is to long time like my case, it was reach almost one year or more than a year but it is still sad to say it was not success.
    By the way Angela if you submit to much prove on your application if you don't mind, is your BF aware about the new LAW in Belgium specially to his monthly income? I am just curious on it because my fiancee told me last few months ago that there is a new LAW in Belgium about the sponsoring Visa in which can affect to those all applicants. But anyway Angela don't lost hope just continue all what you have started I am sure sooner or later you can reach your dreams, We just keep praying for the success.

  • felGUY ****

    Aufgegeben von  in Belgien Forum  

    I guess there is certain percentage if how many filipino they want to issue visa. As not only filipino applicants so many nationalities.


  • Ton Bakker

    Aufgegeben von  in Belgien Forum  

    Always send as much proof you must go back. And if the application is denied, always protest against the decision.Most of the reasons are standard issues.Fighting that is often succesfull.

  • Desert Vixen

    Aufgegeben von  in Belgien Forum  

    Oh my! You do have a lot of proof of your ties in PH and yet.... :( I am really very curious about what their reasons are. Sometimes, I really just don't get them. Oh well...

    Thank you for sharing these info. I hope you don't find it too personal. I'm just very curious. :)

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    thanks a lot,,, i am running a small business but i just opened it since i just came back from work outside philippines, got business permits, bank statements and im also taking up caregiver course so i also presented to them school papers with approved leave of absence, also i have attached lots of proof that we are in relation and that we've been together for some times,,, anyway its ok,,, right now i'm concentrating for school

    sayang, but its not in our hands...

    thanks a lot for the advices,,,


  • Desert Vixen

    Aufgegeben von  in Belgien Forum  

    I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your application but hey, cheer up! :) I've been there. I first applied for a visit a friend visa and I was also denied. My fiancee (now my husband) and I thought that the chances of me getting an approval with that type of visa looked slim (and we really wanted that I come to BE to meet his family). So what other type of visa could I apply for??? Thus we decided to just apply for a fiancee visa (thus preempting our marriage plan). Thank God my fiancee visa application went fast and after one month, I already received a positive result. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is don't lose hope. Reassess you and your partner's objectives before you take the next step. If you don't mind, I hope you can share with us the reasons for your visa denial (only if you don't find it too personal too share). :)

    Like what Felipe asked, do you have a stable job in PH? I guess no matter how short you intend to stay in BE, it's still gonna look suspicious if you don't have a stable job to go back to. Or a family. Well, honestly I'm not certain as to what the reasons are. As what they always say, it's a case to case basis. *sigh* :(

    If you wish to re-apply or just for whatever reason and you have a question, just holler. ;)

    Good luck on your future endeavors.

    -Desert Vixen

  • felGUY ****

    Aufgegeben von  in Belgien Forum  

    Hi Angela,

    Are you employed here in PH? Did you submitted such proof that you will be back here in PH? As you soon you will receive the document regarding with the result. You will see the reason ,as it marks as X in the box.
    Very frustrating then as it was happened to me during my first application. And now I am not hopeless. I traveled around asia. I don't know if these could help if you traveled a lot.
    Anyways, you can re apply as what I did.


  • Gehen Sie zu a sjs Profil

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    my bf called the office in brussels yesterday and from there we knew at 1st that they rejected my application and today manila sent me an email asking me to get the result from them but i might send them a self addressed courier so to save time and money travelling..

    hayts,,, i wonder what would be the reason,, we gave them everything,,, its frustrating but anyway thats life,,,maybe its not the right time yet,,,

    nice meeting you guys and good luck to your application,,,

    i wish you get a positive result,,,

    till next time...


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