2021 The 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Green Energy (ceege 2021)
Conference Proceedings
Accepted and presented papers will be published into one of the following:
1) Energy Reports (ISSN: 2352-4847; CiteScore: 4.13; Impact Factor: 3.595)
2) E3S Web of Conference (ISSN: 2267-1242)
Proceedings will be online and submit for SCIE, Scopus and EI Compendex index.
Prof. Zhe Chen, Aalborg University, Denmark (Fellow of IET, Fellow of IEEE)
Prof. Alberto Borghetti, University of Bologna, Italy (Fellow of IEEE)
Prof. Reiner Johannes Schütt, West Coast University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Prof. Eduard Siemens, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Call for Papers
Electrical engineering and renewable energy systems
Transforming renewable energy to electricity
Renewable source-powered generations
Analysis and design of control systems
Power electronics and drives
Energy management and conservation
Energy in buildings
Grid-connected microgeneration systems
Electric power generation by renewable sources
Control systems design
Next generation silicon technologies
Micro- and nano-electromechanical systems
Power electronics and drives
Electric drives
Programming for renewable energy systems
Online Submission System: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/ceege2021
E-mail Submission: ceege@sciei.org
Contact us
Dr. Petra Osten
E-mail: ceege@sciei.org
TEL: +86-182-0777-7775
Nazal Lau