2024 2nd International Conference on Haptics and Virtual Reality
★2024 2nd International Conference on Haptics and Virtual Reality (ICHVR 2024) - Ei Compendex & Scopus—Call for paper
September 20-22, 2024|Barcelona, Spain|Website: www.ichvr.org
★ICHVR 2024 welcomes researchers, engineers, scientists and industry professionals to an open forum where advances in the field of Haptics and Virtual Reality can be shared and examined. The conference is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to a consistently morphing field. Leading researchers and industry experts from around the globe will be presenting the latest studies through papers and oral presentations.
★Publication and Indexing
Conference presented and registered full paper will be included in digital conference proceeding, and submitted to major citation databases like Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, Google Scholar etc. for reviewing and indexing.
A selection of good papers can be recommended to submit to journals for publication after significant extension.
★Publication History
ICHVR 2023—Under the publication process of Springer Book Series- Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems (Electronic ISSN: 2662-3455, Print ISSN: 2662-3447)
★Paper Submission
1.Submit Via CMT: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/User/Login?ReturnUrl=%2FICHVR2024
2.Send your manuscript as an attachment to the conference email: inquiry@ichvr.org
Ms. Chris Y. Cheung
Email: inquiry@ichvr.org
Website: www.ichvr.org
★Call for papers(http://www.ichvr.org/cfp.html):
3D Display, Tracking and Sensing
3D Interaction
Active Touch Sensing and Behavior
Advanced Display Technology
Applications to the design of haptic interfaces
Biomechanical Aspects of Active Touch Sensing
Biomechanics and Motor Control
ChatGPT-based Applications
Computer Graphics Techniques
Computer Vision
Haptic Interface Design and Control
Haptic Rendering and Modeling
Haptic Sensors and Actuators
Mobile Computing and Its Applications
Modeling, Simulation and Animation
Multi-modal Systems
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