Mediumship Event in Calgary
An Evening of Spirit Messages & Workshop
With Mediumship Duo Diana and Debra Friday, June 1st 7-9pm
Tuning up and Tuning in - Spiritual Exploration Sat / Sun June 2 & 3 10am-4pm
An Evening of Spirit Messages
With the Beautiful Mediumship Duo Diana and Debra Friday, June 1st 7-9pm
Join evidential mediums Diana and Debra as they move between the worlds of existence and speak with those immersed in a realm of light and love. This Mediumship team is unique as they often connect to the same Spirit. Their friendship, love and trust for each other and for your loved ones in Spirit is evident as they work together in this remarkable way. This union aids spirit in their desire to reach out and say “I am here, I am ok, and I love you”
The spirit realm has a remarkable ability to demonstrate their continued ‘presence’ and it is the pleasure of Diana and Debra to bring this awareness to you! So come, relax and celebrate our continued union with Spirit.
General admission: General Admission - Tickets $30 VIP - Tickets: $40 Early entrance and seating in the 1st 3 rows. NOTE: Only 20 VIP seats available
Tuning up and Tuning in - Spiritual Exploration
Welcome to the opportunity for some truly enjoyable and enlightening spiritual evolvement!
Diana and Debra are offering a wonderful 2 day exploration for the development of your ability to connect with your higher selves and with spirit. This will be a holistic journey starting with the care of you and your soul and moving from there to creatively explore your ability to access more mystical aspects of your spirits experience.
These sessions will be from Saturday, June 2nd to Sunday, June 3rd from 10am - 5pm
We will be working with the aspects of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual beings, using meditation, accessing tools for grounding and connecting, learning about the ‘Clairs’, chakras, auras and the importance of our intention. We will meet guides, sense the divine energies and connect with loved ones.
On Friday June
Evvnt Promotion