What is the Purpose of Life - a talk with Sh. Shoaib Wardak


Masjid Darul Iman

Ontario, Kanada Karte

An important topic for YOUTH - just what is the Purpose of Life? With contemporary scholar Shaykh Shoaib Wardak, this coming Friday December 14th after Isha salat, followed by ? and ?

An important topic for YOUTH - just what is the Purpose of Life?
Money, work, being Instagram famous, buying that expensive car, or getting that designation to go along with the bank account? Just what should be our focus in life? Where is the balance?
Join us on Friday December 14th for a talk led by contemporary scholar Shaykh Shoaib Wardak, as he speaks to the youth on where they could focus their energies, talents and time to align with the greater purpose in life. 
It may not be what you think, or it may just open your eyes... so join us for this compelling talk and the scholar whose own teacher is world renouned scholar Shaykh Sulaiman Moola - so please expect a thougt-provoking talk for both Youth and Parents alike.
That's not all - the talk will be followed by ? and ?
Parents also welcome ?

On Friday December 14, 2018 at 8:00 pm (ends 11:00 pm)

Category: Community - Religion & Spirituality


Register Now: CAD 0.00

Venue: Masjid Darul Iman, 1330 Castlemore Avenue, Markham, L6E 1A4


Tickets: https://go.evvnt.com/325393-0?pid=5072

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