Επιστροφή στην Δανία φόρουμ

Studying in Denmark

Δημοσιεύτηκε σε φόρουμ Δανία

Hello everyone! I am currently living in Greece but I'm also half Danish. I am thinking od studying in Denmark and it would be so kind if someone could help me.
First of all, is studying in Denmark a good idea? What are your experiences?
Is it easy to find dorm rooms or small rooms for students?
How can you receive SU ?
Thank you!

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του Nguyen Tho

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Δανία 

    at first , you need lear english well , you can use my blog : http://voa4you.com

  • Πηγαίνετε στο προφίλ του Marek Brunkhorst

    Δημοσιεύτηκε από  σε φόρουμ Δανία 

    Hi, a little bit cheaper to live is in Germany. We speak here English, as a Danish you can live here without problems and study fees are very low. see http://www.uni-assist.de/hochschulen.html

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