Επιστροφή στην Φρανκφούρτη φόρουμ

Invitation ! Join us at our free Qs World Mba event on 28 Oct at Kap Europa

Δημοσιεύτηκε σε φόρουμ Φρανκφούρτη

Invitation !Join us at our free QS World MBA Tour event on 28th Oct at Kap Europa Frankfurt
Why attend?
- Meet with admissions directors of Frankfurt School, IE, St. Gallen, Mannheim BS, ESADE, HKUST
and + 40 more top business schools
- Get information on Full-, Part-Time and Executive MBA programs
- Receive a free CV-Check and Career Consultation
- Gain access to $7.0 M Scholarships
Our event is completely free to attend but we recommend you secure your place online.http://bit.ly/2yIcsh6
QS World MBA Tour Frankfurt
Sa 28th October 2017
13.00 – 17.30
Kap Europa
Osloer Str. 5, 60327 Frankfurt
Fast track registration :https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/qs-world-mba-tour-frankfurt-
Any question , please email me [...] see you Saturday !

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