Επιστροφή στην Κόσμος φόρουμ

I want to study abroad

Δημοσιεύτηκε σε φόρουμ Κόσμος

Hello, I'm a high school student from Argentina and I'm interested in continuing my studies abroad. I'd like to get a Master degree in Medicine in the United States, Canada or the UK. I have a C2 level of English validated by the Certificate in Advanced English tested by Cambridge, however I've been doing some research and found that many universities require other exams to test general knowledge, which are not available in my country. On top of this, I'd need to get a scholarship in order to be able to study in any university. I need some guide because there is an overwhelming amount of information and this confuses me many times. Any kind of information about scholarships programmes or personal experiences will be highly appreciated. Thank you

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