Posted in New South Wales forum
Hi everyone. If anyone is interested in 18th century living History and Historical Trekking and Camping, we have a group here called the "New England Colonial Living History Group 1680-1760. Membership is FREE.
We meet on the first sunday of each month, but other meetings can be arranged at any time for skills workshops and treks and camps etc.
We learn and practice primitive survival skills such as flint and steel fire lighting, fire-bow fire lighting, shelter construction, tomahawk throwing, making cordage, and much more.
All of our activities take place in Wychwood Forest, our wet weather venue is at Elm Cottage which is our club house.
You can check out my blog at:
and our group forum is at: If you are interested in bushcraft/woodscraft and or primitive skills, then you will probably enjoy our group.
Regards, Le Loup.
Asked a mechanic working in Australia
posted by ouansa mohammed in New South Wales forum
Adresse. Cite 60 logts 36010 AIN EL ASSEL -W-EL TARF. ALEGRIA.
Mobile.+213 555 7147 32 /Téléphone +213 38 666714.
-Centre de formation professionnelle et l’apprentissage spécialisation en mécanique automobile
Histoire de l’apprentissage de la 01.09.2002 à 30.08.2004.
-Certificat de travail.
Chef garagiste mécanique générale auto léger et travailler comme mécanicien.
L’intéresse jouit d’une compétence exemplaire.
- Certificat travaillé dans notre projet ou barrage de BOUGOUS
-w-el tarf travail de 01-07-2007 à 07-03-2008 comme mécanicien
- Certificat de travail.
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En qualité de .AÏD MECANICIEN.
Permis de conduire(b).