Posted in Colombia forum
Hello everybody
I am Alexandra, I am a MBA student and I am doing my thesis. In one part of the research we are doing we, a friend of mine and me, have to analyze which things or services you as expats that had to move to Colombia would consider important a company of relocation could provide you. which are your main worries, in terms of house, education, language, etc
Well if you can help us with a comment or suggestion that would be very nice and we will appreciate it. Your experience moving to Colombia can help us in the analysis we are doing…
Thanks a lot….
Hello everybody
posted by Alexandra Mariño in Colombia forum
As a part of the project I am doing I have to collect some data so I don´t know if you can help me with some points of view about a couple of questions... I really appreciate your help... thanks
Well I would like to know which were all the troubles you had when you came to Colombia, how did you solve them and what do you think would be a good thing a person or a company could do to soft and ease the relocation process in Colombia. If you work for a company located in Colombia I would like to know if the company helped you in the process of relocationl, what did they offer to come to Colombia?, did they give you any information, like a cultural coaching of the country?, did the company offeran extra payment because of the relocation??? did they offer to pay the school of your children????? did the company offer to give the time, money and teacher to learn Spanish? how was the process of facing a new culture with a language different to your mother tongue ... do you consider that Colombians take advantage of you, froreigners, to charge you more in all the things you buy???
Well as I told you before thanks for the people that take the time to answer my questions, if you can give more info which you consider can be useful for me don´t hesitate! and send me a message.
Well I am sorry about all these question, but I need to colect as much info as can.
Todo comentario es util
posted by Alexandra Mariño in Colombia forum
gracias por tu comentario, y claro que si sera de gran ayuda...
the relocation issues
posted by Maria Najera in Colombia forum
Hola: No entendi muy bien. La idea que tienen es analizar que pasa cuando un Holandes se va a Colombia o cuando un Colombiano se va a Holanda ?
Si es el primer caso (cuando un Holandes se va a Colombia o en general, cuando un europeo se va a Colombia), la ventaja es que solo debe lidiar con 1 idioma y 1 cultura en realidad bastante homogenea. Cuando un Colombiano se va a Holanda debe lidiar por lo general con mas de 1 idioma, y con gente de tantos paises, culturas y religiones, que de verdad se convierte en una experiencia desafiante. En cuanto a servicios, creo que en Colombia hay niveles de servicio y atencion al cliente bastante buenos. En Europa he encontrado que si el servicio es rapido, por lo general no es tan bueno, y si el servicio es bueno por lo general no es tan rapido. Tal vez es solo mi punto de vista, no se si mis comentarios les sirvan de ayuda.