Unpaid Internships in Berlin
posted by engelchen + in Germany forum
Graduates of foreign universities are permitted to apply for a „Weiterbildungspraktikum“ under §§ 17, 39 AufenthG. However, the company needs to prove that the graduate is there to learn and does not have special skills needed in the company (because then they would be a regular employee and need to apply for a permit as a regular employee).
You need to file an application at your nearest German Embassy/Consulate and your employer will be asked to submit certain documents to the ZAV.
I studied in Germany and live in Berlin. A few months ago I was at a presentation by representatives of the Ministry of Labour and the Foreigners Office on the opportunities for foreign graduates of German universities. Neither of them were too impressed with the number of unpaid internships in Berlin for graduates and it is becoming increasingly difficult for foreign graduates to receive permits for unpaid internships. However, much depends on the company and industry.