Posted in Porto forum
Is Portugal a good country for doing business? How is the current economy? How are the Portuguese in terms of business?
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How is it having a business in Portugal
posted by Herman van Katwijk in Porto forum
It's very hard to do business at the moment in Portugal. Starting a business is very easy, to earn money, that's another issue. There is a lot of unemploymency.
Of course a lot is depending of your skills, the area of your profession and your targetgroup.
The Portuguese people are generally very easy with their appointments: for example "today" will possibly mean "tomorrow" or even later.
The easy way of life will be admired in one way but can give a lot of stress too.How is it having a business in Portugal?
posted by Paulo Fernandes in Porto forum
At the moment, NO.
The economy in pt is not so good at the moment, but depends what you pretend sell.