Posted in Switzerland forum
I'm thinking about going to work in Europe for a while, but I'm not sure in what country. How's the job situation in Switzerland? Is it easy to get a job as a foreigner? And do I need a permit for that? I only speak little German, might that be a problem?
Deleted user
Job as a au pair
posted by Halima Akhter Roni in Switzerland forum
Helo Maria, Have a happy new year. I have a question.. What is au pair? and how can get a familly in Switzerland to contact them? if I get a family for be au pair is it easy to get visa? And for how many months/year it is given, do you think if I have a contract then I can stay longer? Is it a legal way to go, stay, work there? I want to try to stay for longer peacefully, I hope you can advice me please..thanks!
To maría and pauline!
posted by Dan G in Switzerland forum
María: You can try work as an au pair in switzerland contact a family or in any country of europe, you can look for special websites!
Pauline: I have a question.. if I already have a family for be au pair and I can go to switzerland with no visa for 3 months, do you think if I have a contract I can stay longer? I have hear of people that stay longer but ilegally but do they have problem when they travel back to their own country? I want to try to stay for 12 months I hope you can advice me please..thanks!
Working in Switzerland
posted by Deleted user in Switzerland forum
Hi Pauline
Thanks for your reply. I already feared that with my qualification I cannot get very far in Western Europe. I'd like so much to go work in Europe but I also don't want to do a semi-legal cleaning job or something...
Maybe I just keep on looking in some other countries...
thanks again for your help and have a nice time in Switzerland! :)María
Jobs in der Schweiz
posted by Pauline Pham in Switzerland forum
Hi Maria
I've started looking for work here myself and it's not easy, depending on your qualifications. In your field, I think you will need to know the language. Fortunately in my work area (pharmaceutical industry) it is not as necessary but it does limit your option to work for smaller local companies, and not just the bigger/international ones. Also, I've been told a few times now that they have made it harder for a non-European to be given work over a Swiss/European. I'm Australian, and apparently a company would be expected to check in the UK first for an employee if they want someone with certain skills plus English native language. I'm getting married to a Swissie soon so luckily I won't have that problem (I hope!). Don't rely on coming here and getting a work visa granted to you - the chances are very slim unless you have lucrative skills that a company would be willing to use their time/money/resources to hire you. Switzerland is a popular target for workers due to its high salary and good quality of life, so there will likely be competition out there. Good luck!Working in Switzerland
posted by Deleted user in Switzerland forum
Hi Jay!
I'm not very qualified, I've only done a training (hope this is the right word) as a hotel and catering assistant. I don't know if I have good chances to get a decent job, especially if I only speak English...