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    posted by  in Thailand forum 

    Thailand is a land of excitement and adventure, and Webster University. Thailand is located in the heart of Southeast Asian mainland and its covered area is about 511,770 square kilometers. Thailand's modern capital is Bangkok or ancient capital of Ayutthaya today.

    In Thailand colleges and universities offer about 685 accredited international programs at undergraduate and graduate levels. Now the trend is being changed and Thailand is also in priority when parents want to send their children abroad for higher education apart from of UK, USA, AUSTRALIA and CANADA. Specially Asian prefer to come Thailand for higher education because students bear half of the price and get same lifestyle and education as UK, USA or Australia. There are many degree programs in English offered in Thailand from all major universities such as accounting, arts, architecture, biotechnology, business administration, hotel management, tourism, international business, engineering, medical, information technology, law, mass communication, journalism and many more. Thailand follows the US degrees with all Graduate and Under Graduate courses such as BA, BBA and MBA. There are many universities which offer these courses e.g Ramkhamhaeng University and many other.

    Students can earn good amount of money by doing some part time jobs when they study in Thailand. The most common part time job for students in Thailand is teaching private tutoring English and primary subjects to the local Thai children. Thailand is top most choice for student and parents as well today for higher education.

    For more info please visit this link http://campusidea.com/country/thailand.aspx

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