posted by Claire B in United Kingdom forum
theres lots of different humor in england... you should try dom jolly, his is funny and you dont really need to understand english that uch to get it! also i think peter kay is really really funny but thats because it related to the way english people are....asking what time it is at home when they are on holiday....doesnt everyone do that? also ther is ali g/borat! thats really funny and sasha barron choen..if i spelt it correctly is so clever for acting so thick! lol
what programshave you been watching? and what do you think of the french humor! for me its quite obvious and not very funny but then agan there is one comedian i like francise lambruglar...defo not spelt that correct but he is funny...but then again maybe its just because i am english and find that funny! i dont know humor is weird isnt it?