Sandra Costoya

About me

Sandra Costoya
 Sandra Costoya
Living in:
Valencia (Spain)
English, Spanish
Looking for:
Business contacts


Our City Just for You A different and secure way of traveling alone, get to know Valencia through our website “Our City Just For You” - We have created this webpage for all that kind of people who travel alone, in couple or small groups and which like to meet new people while get to know the city of Valencia (Spain) A new experience, in that you will be our guest and we will be your hosts. You accommodate in one of our homes and we will intent that you fell like in your one. With us you will see our most popular festivals like the Las Fallas, La Tomatina and more. We will accompany you in an architectural tour through our churches, San Esteban, Santos Juanes, Sta. Catalina, the mysterious chapel of Santo Caliz ... You could enjoy a relaxing walk and an awesome sunset from a fantastic location, L ‘Albufera, as well as savor an authentic paella. Furthermore, if you do some kind of sports you could do it with us: ride by bicycle, go jogging, participate in public races ... Advantages traveling with us related to other tourism options: It’s a secure way where you will be accompanied in every moment (if you like so) Opportunity to discover the city, its churches, museums, quarters, beaches, markets ... its sights and secrets. And the most important is that it’s done by people who like to do this. At a glance, we offer you to travel in a new manner where the most important is that you are not feeling alone, you enjoy doing some activities with us and get to know our city in good companionship. We are expecting you! Our City Just For You