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Racism in Germany - how bad is it?

Publicado en Foro de Alemania

I just read a story on Spiegel online which shocked me: According to a new study, more than 14% of German teenagers can be considered as "anti-foreigners", while more than 5% fall into the category of the righ extreme with Nazi-tendencies.

Surprisingly, the bad reputation of foreigners seems to be higher in those regions with little foreigners (so those regions where people don't even know what they talk about!!!).

The original article is here: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,613844,00.h

To me - this is just another example of human ignorance, but for a foreigners living in Germany, these numbers are pretty scary!

What are your opinions and personal experiences with the way Germans see foreigners?

  • publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    Oh well we Canadians are not at all racists...we have just the best white race from Ireland and UK and than Italians and Portuguese plus East Europeans and rest others are crap. We got non white skilled immigrants in our country and then we are also afraid that they might take our jobs as they are more educated than us, so we use this strategy by saying "you don't have Canadian experience so we cannot give you a job". And yes its not racism that we ONLY want white prime minister as we're afraid that one day Chinese or Indians will take a lead in Canadian politics. No we are very open minded and we hate our neighbor US but we die to copy their style and art of living. And yes, we call our French speaking people so racist and then we don't want to learn French (even though Canada is bilingual country), the fact is that we are better than them, so who cares about becoming bilingual. In Vancouver hospital people with color get treatment later than whites but you know what it has nothing to do with racism, its CBC tv news which lied about that.And not to forget how we treat Aboriginals, oh yes we don't get tax from them but we have isolated them so they can drink cheap alcohol, live miserable and never get a chance to claim their stolen land ;-)
    And then we sing everyday and night, Canada is the best country in the whole world and its most wonderful country which welcomes everyone....bla bla...
    Just read that article its old but its still valid as nothing has been changed for aboriginals, "The Segregation of Native People in Canada: Voluntary or Compulsory?" http://www.tgmag.ca/magic/mt3.html

  • publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    Oliver I'm not German but I say the same, if you don't like living in Germany then go back to your home. I've witnessed more racism in other parts of the world than in Germany. Its sad to see that UK and US+Canada medias only show negative stuff about Germans, they show that Germany is still under the rule of Hitler...for God say, it has been changed ages ago and you find more neo-nazis in their countries than in Germany. About black why they don't cry when American black call afro black inferior or when Jamaican black thinks he has lighter skin than african black so he is better than them??? I must say I've witnessed couple of times racism from Bavarian people but these Bavarian do not represent the whole German nation. In general Germans are quite nice just they are afraid to give a decent job to non Germans. I'm still struggling maybe with my masters degrees from Germany, one day I'll able to find a small office job. I've no complaints about that, Frankfurt is a big city and one day I'll be lucky.

  • Ir al perfil de T Y

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    I don't know about the grammar argument, many Germans make same grammar mistakes over and over, (Genetiv, anyone?), but they are Germans.

    as for Americans, I think you raised a good point that if you are proud of being American first, whatever else second, loyal to America, and hold an American citizenship, I'd say you are a real American.

    so many Americans / Canadians themselves don't appreciate or realize its significance, sad really.

  • publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    and it could be wrong:

    I do believe there is such thing as horrible grammar. And I'm not belittling anybody, just being honest.

    To me, the way you write English tells a lot about you. The way I write, I'm sure, can tell an American that I formed some sentences in a way that are not so normal, and therefore think, mmm, probably not her first language. I have been told I write 'without an accent', but I know there are still things I write that sound kind of funny because of the word order or the choice of words.

    This poster in particular, I said I don't believe he is an American because to me, that grammar is too bad. If he is, then I would say he didn't even go to school.

    Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's normal for an American to write like that, but that would be very depressing. Come on, you read that post again and you have to agree that English is not good at all. That's not slang, that's broken English.

    A real American to me is somebody that has been born here and been raised as an American, or somebody that came here and takes pride in the US, and puts the US first, or at least at the same level as the country of origin.

    To me, no matter what passport you have, if your loyalty lies with Mexico first, and the US later, or with Spanish first and English later, you are not a real American.

    I do have an accent (Spanish one), but you can't learn the right accent after 11 years of age. But grammar and vocabulary you can always improve.

    I don't think not being politically correct is having a narrow judgmental attitude, just calling them as I see them.

  • Ir al perfil de John Lovejoy

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    @ G N

    Mind explaining what a real American is?...in your opinion.
    You are belittling a person/ poster of whom you don’t even know the first thing about solely because you don’t like the content of his post.

    Quoting you
    “Slang is one thing and horrible grammar is another thing.”
    “Yes, I know many people in Florida speak only Spanish, I would not call them Americans but illegals or their children. Certainly not good citizens of the US, if they don't even bother educating themselves (I'm not talking about the ones that just got here, but the ones that are born here or have been here a long time).”
    Slang by definition is almost always alternate grammar and spelling by nature and not a crime but perfectly normal in the US and there is nothing “horrible” about it.

    FYI, just like in the western lower US Border States and also Texas, people speaking Spanish amongst themselves or with a heavy Spanish accent is perfectly normal and not at all indicative of anybody being an illegal alien.
    Once again you are jumping to conclusions and are judging Americans by a German standard.

    In some of your previous posts you mentioned that you’re contemplating moving to Germany.
    The more I hear from you, it becomes increasingly apparent that Germany may possibly be a great place for you since you already share so much of that narrow judgmental attitude toward “other” people.

  • Ir al perfil de patrick eso

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    Every german regard germany as christian country. From my observation 80% is Athiest, despite within these percentage 35% of this 80% could be officially registered christians but not practicing.I was a regular attenedei.But the will criticise other people being it muslim, so long it has negative conotations around it.The one that happened few years back after the german pope was elected, visiting regensburg in bavaria made a reference to what a german king who ruled in the past said over islam religion. He was excieted to be pope, infront of his people he made one of the biggest gaffe in modern catholic sermons . First of all , how can you quote a laymans ideaology and uphold it as being a subject of the church. I am catholic, but I disagree with this pope on that statement.A friend mine called me and said , right there he just demonstrated his german up bringing.I don`t think at the end of time he will be a popular pope like JP his predicessor.

  • Ir al perfil de patrick eso

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    @John Lovejoy
    Too many brain washing going on over their system in general. For an average german the idea of the third reich , as well as the implementation of the final solution is still on their mindset the use any means being in micro & macro economics on europeans stage remains a focus.What you can not achieve militarily, then lets have it economically.Lets take advantage of weaker economies around us.For anybody who is educated in english speaking world will understand this from the begining.But some of them forgot how the were helped immediatelly after the war,through MARSHALL PLAN .All debt written off by the US. Allowing them to export excessivelly to the US. The US creating much jobs in germany through their M.Bases.when the now feel that the have achieved an economic miracle then the remembered where the stopped in some decades back. The forgot America is made up of many forigners from all round the globe.Look at their suggestion over the greece economic problem. From begining the convinced these guys to join the union despite knowing their level of industrial capacity.Thanks france intervined with more better ideas. Germany should help greece write their debt off.Few years back while still living in germany .The bild zeitung had on occasion in the front page ran a headline.Quote!! "Kraft gegen KOPf" .This was on tennis tournament.At the time was Graf/Venus.For me this was how the bild educate an average german how sports should be interpreted.One thing I realized is that the general concept in up bringing for an average german is, there is no room for failures.The goal is Win,Win,Win (or) Fight, Fight,Fight untill you collapse on the pitch.Super human !!.Atleast my Ex-wife understands that life does not start or end in germany. I took her to places she is never been before , many countries both in north America,south, Africa as well and many other european countries.What the media in germany like to show is farmine in sudan, but the forgot what happened in 1922 in germany on the streets of berlin is thesame. I saw it in the 80`s as a student in south Florida.You can find this life video in every university in the states.We live in the world where today is yours , next time could be mine.

  • Ir al perfil de John Lovejoy

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    @Carsten Pfau

    Quoting you
    “. First of all - even a serious magazine such as Spiegel needs to sell - and bad news sell way better than good news, you know that. Statistics - well, as you probably know, you can prove almost anything through statistics, you just need to know how to ask the questions."

    The German Magazine “ Der Spiegel” is internationally well known for constantly publishing negative and often false propaganda in German language demonizing Muslims and foreigner in Germany. Often full of hyperbole and exaggerations along with scary imagery pitting the white German public against their none white fellow citizens.
    Some examples

    and here

    and here, claiming that the Koran is the mot powerful book on earth.

    and here photoshopping Islamic symbols on the German flag

    And here, the hate mongering in this cover is self-explanatory

    That’s when they are not publishing feature articles on Hitler and the third Reich bordering on worship.
    Below a link to some of those cover and feature stories from Der Spiegel.

    Additionally Der Spiegel also targets Jews.
    From January this year
    Here this Der Spiegel cover story deliberately conjures up not only German angst about Israel and fabricated Jewish revenge fantasies but also the clichés use of language when writing about Israel in the Federal Republic.

    And here a recent Der Spigel online article using the Word “ Judentum “ an expression widely used in the third reich to conjure up fear of and hatred against Jews

    Der Spiegel’s longstanding and ongoing hate-and fear mongering is a problem because it’s widely considered to be Germany’s most important weekly news magazine and carries the weight of an opinion-making publication for the chattering classes. Also, like most German media, has a peculiar obsession with Jews and Israel.
    Few Germans speak or understand English well enough to form a broader world picture or even fact check and are therefore held hostage by the limitations and agenda of this media in their language.

    The most widely read paper in Germany ( about 80% of Germans get their “news “ from ) is Bild zeitung, a daily circulation.
    An intellectually bankrupt tabloid frequently engaging in the same as Der Spiegel but also focusing on sensationalizing the most minor events in the most negative way possible to keep the public outraged and upset, with that greatly contributing the often negative attitude so prevalent in Germany.

    In response to your statement about alleged in-fallacy of statistics.
    Statistics is the only science that enables different experts using the same figures to draw different conclusions.

    For posters and followers of this thread topic.
    I know it’s a long post with many links.
    The forum system does not permit to make the links clickable.
    So you have to copy and paste them to see them.
    But it’s worth taking the trouble, because they clearly demonstrate with what kind of propaganda the German public is regularly bombarded with, explaining many of the racial and cultural tensions currently escalating in Germany.

  • publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    Slang is one thing and horrible grammar is another thing.

    If that is a real American writing like that, I would assume it's somebody that didn't even finish school.

    Yes, I know many people in Florida speak only Spanish, I would not call them Americans but illegals or their children. Certainly not good citizens of the US, if they don't even bother educating themselves (I'm not talking about the ones that just got here, but the ones that are born here or have been here a long time).

    I think it is fair to judge somebody based on how they write. Especially if it a so called American. We all make mistakes, I make a lot even in Spanish, but there are mistakes and language sins.

  • Ir al perfil de John Lovejoy

    publicado por  en Foro de Alemania 

    "I don't believe for a second that you are an American of any descend, and from there, anything you may tell us."

    @ G N
    Perhaps you haven’t gotten around too much in the US.
    There are regions in the US where they don’t even speak English.
    But French like in Louisiana and Missouri about 1.6 million American citizens.
    And regions in Florida where they speak only Spanish and no English at all.
    Or the “ Pennsylvania Dutch” which is old type of German spoken by the Amish spoken in Pennsylvania adding an interesting accents to their English.

    Italian is also still spoken in the US by over a million American citizens at home.
    If you spend some time in NY, you hear lots Americans with a heavy Italian accent even though they have been there for generations and like all the others helped build this country.

    The United States does not even have an official language.
    It’s free country.
    Come as you are and be who you want to be.

    It would be best to not judge a person so quickly by the way they write.

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