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Seasonal Summer Work in Chania Required

Publicado en Foro de Chaniá

I'm Steve, an Afro Scot from ahem Scotland no less! (Band website shown below).


I'm a singer of Motown & Soul music & I have been touring the UK with my band for the past 2 years. However, I will have some time off from May 13th 2014, so I plan to visit the Chania area of Crete. To work for 5 months.

I have worked in bars before, I DJ alot here in Scotland & I sing full-time. I also work part-time as a fitness instructor.

I've heard so much about the Chania area of Crete & I think it will be perfect for me.

I was hoping that someone from this forum site can help or point me in the right direction for a contact to get
some summer work while i'm there. Please!?

I will be on my own, so I want to work as much as possible. I am honest, respectful & love meeting new people.

I organise, arrange & host parties for a living, so i'm good at this. My job is to sing high energy, up tempo tunes & get everyone singing with me.

For the first week or so I will be staying in the hotel that comes with my travel transfer. After this I will be looking for somewhere more permanent (or at least for the 5months I'm there).

Any help would be very much appreciated.

  • Gio Psath

    publicado por  en Foro de Chaniá 


  • Ir al perfil de k b

    publicado por  en Foro de Chaniá 


    I tried to call you a few times, but no answer.
    Anyway, I will arrive on the 14/15th May. So I will come visit you in your bar when I arrive.

    Speak soon.

  • Gio Psath

    publicado por  en Foro de Chaniá 

    hey if thinks are as you wrote definetely we can be partners and be satisfied with my business and family atmosphere we have here!00306978007655 my mobile.https://www.facebook.com/george.psath

  • publicado por  en Foro de Chaniá 

    Hi Steve

    Feel free to subscribe to my newsletter on www.jobincrete.com

  • Ir al perfil de k b

    publicado por  en Foro de Chaniá 

    Hey Gio, just checking did you get my last message?

  • Gio Psath

    publicado por  en Foro de Chaniá 

    Hey man I m owner of a nice bar in chania and propably you could work..let's talk about it!

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