Eventos finalizados en Italia
Access Mba: Evento gratuito a Milano il 4 febbraio
The Westin Palace, Piazza della Repubblica, 20, 20124 Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
feb4Evento Access Masters a Milano il 3 febbraio
The Westin Palace, Piazza della Repubblica, 20, 20124 Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
feb32024 9th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Conservation (icrec 2024)
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Rome, Italy, Roma, Italia
nov22Meet Top Business Schools at the Premier Emba Event in Milan
Portrait Milano Hotel - Lungarno Collection, Corso Venezia, 11, 20121 Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
nov212024 The 8th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (icsrs 2024)
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Sicily, Italy, Sicilia, Italia
nov202024 8th International Conference on Reliability Engineering (icre 2024)
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Sicily, Italy, Sicilia, Italia
nov202024 The 2nd European Conference on Electrical Engineering (ecee 2024)
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Venice, Italy, Venecia, Italia
nov7Sei pronto a dare una svolta alla tua carriera con un Master?
Starhotels Metropole Rome, Via Principe Amedeo, 3, 00185 Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, Italy
oct8Evento gratuito a Roma per incontrare le migliori Business School globali
Starhotels Metropole Rome, Via Principe Amedeo, 3, 00185 Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, Italy
oct8Access Masters a Milano il 6 ottobre
The Westin Palace, Piazza della Repubblica, 20, 20124 Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
oct6Evento gratuito a Milano per incontrare le migliori Business School globali
The Westin Palace, Piazza della Repubblica, 20, 20124 Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
oct52024 8th International Conference on Communication and Network Technology (iccnt 2024)
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Florence, Italy, Florencia, Italia
sep162024 8th International Conference on Intelligent Traffic and Transportation (icitt 2024)
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Florence, Italy, Florencia, Italia
sep162024 8th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics (icbeb 2024)
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Milan, Italy, Milán, Italia
sep132024 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (icbra 2024)
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Milan, Italy, Milán, Italia
sep132024 10th International Conference on Environmental Systems Research (icesr 2024)
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Rome, Italy, Roma, Italia
ago202024 11th International Conference on Civil and Urban Engineering (iccue 2024)
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Rome, Italy, Roma, Italia
ago202024 13th International Conference on Innovation, Knowledge, and Management (icikm 2024)
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Rome, Italy, Roma, Italia
jun212024 10th International Conference on e-Society, e-Learning and e-Technologies (icslt 2024)
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Rome, Italy, Roma, Italia
jun212024 4th International Joint Conference on Energy and Environmental Engineering (CoEEE 2024)
Milan, Italy, Milan, Italy, Milan, Italy