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Working Visa's for PAKISTAN OPEN OR Not?????????

Publicado en Foro de Pakistán


Is there any one who can tell about the working Visa's for Pakistan...?

It is open for Pakistan or Not ????

If not then when they will open..?


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  • Ir al perfil de binyameen shigri

    publicado por  en Foro de Pakistán 

    when it is going to open visa for pakistani ???? please tell me detail if some one is there in kuwait........

  • Ir al perfil de Tun Bun

    publicado por  en Foro de Pakistán 

    Even The Family Visa Are Blocked . :(

  • Husain Sultan

    publicado por  en Foro de Pakistán 

    there is Only Family Visas r open. if you guys get any information let us know

  • Asif Hussain

    publicado por  en Foro de Pakistán 

    thanks alot Mohammad Ishfaq brother...

    my problem similiar to ( Kashif Shabir ) company approaching me to join them
    but visa is still closed. and thanks to ALLAH the company didnt deny i talked them they said just wait till the working visa restrictons.. any how if u hear any good news so please send me an email or reply here brother..

    once again thanks alot.


    Muhammad Asif Hussain

  • Mohammad Ishfaq

    publicado por  en Foro de Pakistán 

    Where Law is very strict, you can expect anything which is illegal. The fact is if we apply openly with fair procedure, it will be difficult or in simple words almost impossible to get visa but if we will go with some "Source" then we can get visa with high prices, but the "Source" should be strong. As far as problems concern, so if someone can draw a visa, he has to take care about any problem in future.

    But my advice is to wait until at least Business Visit may open in next few days, so try through proper channel. It will be economical as well as feasible for everyone.


  • Ghoshi Fatima

    publicado por  en Foro de Pakistán 

    also tell me visit visas for pakistanis r opened or not?

  • Ghoshi Fatima

    publicado por  en Foro de Pakistán 

    Hello Ishfaq sb!
    h r u?
    as u said "However Pakistani Visa are being sold / available in Black but of course with high prices (1,600 - 1,800 KD) = (500,000 - 550,000 Rupees)

    i want to ask as kuwait's rules for forigners are very tough.and strictly follow their rules,also they banned pakistani for work visa in that situation a person reached in kuwait on visa taken in black,may create many problems for that person who taken visa in black.


  • asad iqbal

    publicado por  en Foro de Pakistán 

    hoping u will be fine thr.how is good opurtunity in kuwait for busniess,in which business is suitable for pakistanies.plz reply me for ur good advise.thanks

  • Ir al perfil de Kashif Shabir

    publicado por  en Foro de Pakistán 

    Hi Malik,

    Same problem i am facing, One company is approaching me to join them but visa restriction problem arise for Pakistanis, I saw in some websites that July 2011 they will do some changes , you have any news Malik ??

    Kashif Shabbir
    Kingdom Of Bahrain

  • Mohammad Ishfaq

    publicado por  en Foro de Pakistán 

    However Pakistani Visa are being sold / available in Black but of course with high prices (1,600 - 1,800 KD) = (500,000 - 550,000 Rupees)

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