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Looking for a new friends

Publicado en Foro de Lodz

Hello everyone,
I have just moved from London to Lodz, I am Polish but I have this strange feeling that it is not my country anymore. I am looking for a new not polish friends who are feeling lonely in Poland, thx

  • publicado por Usuario eliminado en Foro de Lodz 

    Count me too! :) You can contact me :)

  • Joao Gama

    publicado por  en Foro de Lodz 

    I just moved to Lodz last week to be with my girlfriend. I know only her friends, which is nice but not for 100% of my social life. If you have found a place to gather, I would like to hear about it!

    Heard about a language exchange on Thursdays, so I will try that. But I am open to any other ideas!


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