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Looking for jobs in Lisbon

Publicado en Foro de Lisboa

I am an "ex-Erasmus student" spent 3 months in Lisbon last year.
I'm planning to return and stay there for half a year or so...
My only worry is about finding a job there...
I speak basic portugese and have no idea what kind of jobs I can get in Lisbon.
I would be glad to get some ideas or some websites where I can search for it...
Obrigada! :)

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  • laxman poudel

    publicado por  en Foro de Lisboa 

    im here in lisbon . im searching a job (any kinds of ) over here in lisbon ..i have my work experience in the field of restrurent, agriculture, hotels ,supermarket. if u please let me know where i can go ...what i need to do ? my phone num ...920032420 .

  • laxman poudel

    publicado por  en Foro de Lisboa 

    im here in lisbon . im searching a job (any kinds of ) over here in lisbon ..i have my work experience in the field of restrurent, agriculture, hotels ,supermarket. if u please let me know where i can go ...what i need to do ? my phone num ...920032420 .

  • Petya Stoykova

    publicado por  en Foro de Lisboa 

    Where are you from? Are you in Lisbon?

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