Climate change is here – what now?

Climate change is here – what now?



Wymondham Central Hall

6A Back Lane, Wymondham, England, NR18 0QB, United Kingdom Mapa

Panel includes: George Freeman MP Conservative; Michael Rosen Labour; Cllr Suzanne Nuri-Nixon Liberal Democrat; Catherine Rowett Green Party + presentation from Dr Hayley Pinto of CHAIN + questions from the audience
This is a free event with seats available on a first-come first-served basis
Wine and refreshments served from 8pm onwards
With 2022 the UK’s warmest year on record, and 2023 looking set to bring ever more extreme weather around the world, climate change is becoming increasingly central to the political debate. Campaigners on many fronts have all helped to raise the profile of the issue, but perhaps the biggest factor is that, more and more, people can see the evidence and effects of climate change with their own eyes.
This is why this debate at this time and in a part of the world like mid Norfolk, so crucial agriculturally and yet, like the rest of the county, particularly prone to drought, is so important. We need to find ways to drastically cut carbon pollution and adapt to the new realities of our changing climate. Everything, from the food we eat to how we get around, will need to change. In all this, politicians need to take a lead and time is rapidly running out.
The event will give local residents the chance to hear how each political party aims to meet the challenge of the climate crisis, and the opportunity to put their own questions to our invited panel members. It promises to be a stimulating evening, helping to find a way forward in tackling this greatest of issues which will increasingly affect us all.

Category: Lifestyle | Politics

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