Ispe Europe Conference on Biotechnology
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Industriepark Hochst
Gebaude D 607, Alte Farberei Bruningstrasse 50, Frankfurt, 65929 Mapa
Biopharmaceutical products are facing a prosperous future. The 2016 ISPE Europe Conference on Biotechnology, Reinventing Commercial Bio Manufacturing, collects novel tools in knowledge management, process science, and technological advancements to tackle these future challenges, which include:
• Increased competition by additional approvals of biosimilars
• Enhanced regulatory requirements for traceability along the process development life cycle
• Urgency for new technologies
• Solutions for process optimisation
• Transparency in process development
We are proud to have assembled an innovative programme of highly respected speakers from regulatory, manufacturers, service providers, and academia to present best practices and case studies.
Why attend?
• Learn about GMP challenges and opportunities for biomanufacturing
• Understand the implications of the new regulations, like Annex 1 and 2, for biopharmaceuticals
• Discuss and explore success factors of knowledge management and technology transfer in Biopharma
• See first-hand innovative solutions in process development
• Four Plant Visits options available in Industriepark Höchst at Sanofi:
- Multi-Insulin Plant
- Lantus (Insulin) Plant
- Cell Culture Pilot Plant for Development
- Hochst Industry Park Tour (History and Current Operation)
Category: Conferences, Science, Health and Medicine, Pharmaceuticals
ISPE Member from: EUR 595,
ISPE Non-Member from: EUR 715
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