2022 The 11th International Conference on Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanoengineering


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Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo , Jaapan Map

Prospective authors are invited to submit original research papers which have not been submitted or published by other conferences or journals. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and the accepted papers and posters will be published into the MSF conference proceedings and indexed by EI Compendex and SCOPUS etc.
ICNNN 2016: MSF-Materials Science Forum (ISBN:978-3-0357-1104-2). (Online) (EI, SCOPUS INDEX)
ICNNN 2017: MSF-Materials Science Forum (ISBN:978-3-0357-1201-8). (Online) (EI, SCOPUS INDEX)
ICNNN 2018: MSF-Materials Science Forum ( ISBN: 978-3-0357-1430-2) (Online) (EI, SCOPUS INDEX)
ICNNN 2019: MSF-Materials Science Forum ( ISBN: 978-3-0357-1587-3) (Online) (EI, SCOPUS INDEX)
ICNNN 2020: MSF-Materials Science Forum(ISBM:978-3-0357-3784-4) (Online) (EI, SCOPUS INDEX)
ICNNN 2021: MSF-Materials Science Forum(ISBM:978-3-0357-3784-4) (Online) (EI, SCOPUS INDEX)

Submission ways:
The online submission system is opened here: https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/icnnn2022

Call for Papers:
Different Methods for Growth of Nanostructures
Characterisation of Nanomaterials
Organic,Inorganic,and Biomedical of Nanomaterials
Different Kinds and Morphologies of Nanostructures: Metal and Metal Oxide of Nanoparticle,Nanowires and Nanorod,Carbon Nanotube and Graphene
For more topics, please visit: http://icnnn.org/cfp.html

Conference secretary:
Ms. Amber Lin
E-mail: icnnn@sciei.org
Tel: +1-562-606-1057/+86-18207777775

Mine Chapman Zerkos profiilile
 Chapman Zerkos