On Doing Laundry - Exhibition Opening Night at island6

On Doing Laundry - Exhibition Opening Night at island6



island6 Arts Center

50 Moganshan Road, Shanghai, China - Building 6, 2/F Map

Are you generally tired of airing out your dirty laundry and coming clean for the things you’ve done wrong? Do you sometimes contemplate committing awful acts but are held at bay by some deep-seated pang of social obligation? If so, the Liu Dao art collective invites you to explore the possibility of remaining delightfully dirty in their latest exhibition, “On Doing Laundry: The Idiot’s Guide to Undertaking Naughty Deeds and Getting Away With It.”

This visual how-to guide on all matters of roguery takes viewers on a multimedia romp through the eccentric collective mind of Liu Dao. Featuring a flickering array of LED mischief-makers, “On Doing Laundry” invades the island6 flagship gallery in M50 on Saturday, January 31st. Join the island6 crew in the impish fun at the exhibition’s opening night party, from 7-10pm. Expect original music from Pan Daijing and an array of quirky new artworks from Liu Dao!

Liu Dao
 Liu Dao