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How good is the healthcare in Chile?

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I'm going to visit Chile soon, and I am definitely planning on getting traveler's insurance. What level of care, though, can I expect to get in Chile? Is it good? Will I have to go through a lot of bureaucracy?

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  • Lucy T.

    پست شده توسط  در شیلی فروم 

    well if u get a health traveler insurance you gotta go to any clinic or the places specified on your contract and if needed assistance you will have to pay the full price then will get a full refund when being back in the states.As far as i know thats the way it works in any country,i'm chilean and i ve got assistance in germany and argentina and thats the way it worked.u wont get free assitance at that moment but if having a reliable insurance will surely get the full amount back,just keep the receipts.

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