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Any Advice?

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Hello everyone, I am looking for a job in Germany.My profession is Computer Engineering and now working in Azerbaijan at a Bank sector as a Information Security Specialist. I have CCNA,CCNA Security,MSTC and CCNP Security Certifications(Preparing). i know that it is possible to find job there as a Network Administrator,Information Security administrator. problem is that i am foreigner and living in can i find job there?can it be difficult to find for me? what i need to do it? Please give me any advice. contact email: [...]

best regards


  • Frank (confidential) برو به پروفایل

    پست شده توسط  در آلمان فروم 

    The important factors for finding a job in Germany are
    - Language
    Do you speak German? If not, have you shown willingness to learn it by at least attending a beginners' class? (Your local Goethe Institute offers them.)
    - Skills
    Do you have educational certificates (e.g. university degree) from an institution that is recognised in Germany? (The ANABIN database can help you check if yours is recognised.)
    - Experience
    Do you have relevant prior jobs, and recommendation letters from all your past employers?
    - Job Market Access
    Do you have a German work permit, or are you in a strategic field of high demand and low supply among EU citizens (who must be preferentially hired, by law, if they exist)? If not, this might be a roadblock.
    - Contacs
    Personal relationships perhaps count less in Germany than in some other countries, but they are still important. Did you check which of the friends of your friends could help you? Did you contact people working at potential employers in your field, e.g. through Linkedin or Xing?
    - Determination
    How many companies did you contact, how many job applications did you send out so far? Have you travelled to Germany to meet potential employers in person? Unsolicited applications are common and often successful in German - and showing great resolve is seen as an asset!

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