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پست شده در ورونا فروم

Hi everyone I will be moving to Verona in the middle of may and would love to meet some other english speaking friends to go out socialising with. Send me a message!

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  • Lisanne d. V.

    پست شده توسط  در ورونا فروم 


    I'm Lisanne, 21 years old, and I'm living at the Garda Lake (20 minutes by train from Verona). I work in a hotel, and live here on my own with my little dog! I'm from the Netherlands, but can speak, English, German, Dutch and Italian..

    Do you like Verona? How is the work as a Au Pair? Nice kids and family? How long are you going to stay?

    It would be nice to go shopping in Verona once :) Love it, and I know Verona very well so can show you some nice places!

    And if you have a day off maybe you can take the train to the Lake so we can go out here and go around :)

    Hope to hear from you..


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