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Americans or Asians?

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Hi all,
The forum under Groningen is a bit small. I noticed that there's a shortage of posts from American or Asian expats. I'm moving there in a few weeks and am getting a little nervous about potential culture shock. Anyways, if anyone else is in a similar situation, it'll be cool to have someone to relate to.

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  • پست شده توسط  در گرونینگن فروم 

    I lived near San Francisco for a little more than 5 years before moving to Groningen. Groningen turned out to be more diverse than I expected. Unlike many others I have met around my age, I'm not a student but am working at an American company here (Abbott). However, 99 percent of the employees here are Dutch! I am starting Dutch courses at the RUG next week, so hopefully I can diversify my social circle then!

  • Sahal Merchant

    پست شده توسط  در گرونینگن فروم 

    I'm from Bombay, India. I've been in Groningen since 2 and a half years now. I just graduated this summer and I work as a freelance artist and designer. I don't think you should have much of a cultureschock. I think Groningen for a not so small city is still very international. I have quiet a few international friends.

    @Michelle - I dont know where you live but theres an even bigger asian super market at called Amazing Oriental @ the Korregweg/Eyssoniustraat 31

  • پست شده توسط  در گرونینگن فروم 

    That's good to know about the supermarket. The company HR definitely mentioned something like that when I was being interviewed. I am still living in Berkeley and will be flying out this coming Sunday. Things are moving faster than I can react. I saw a little bit of diversity when I was out there which I hope will help me integrate. Although I am very interested in learning Dutch and Dutch culture, it would be nice to have some American friends as well. We'll see what happens...

  • Michelle Pena

    پست شده توسط  در گرونینگن فروم 

    I've been living in Groningen for a few months with my native Dutch husband. I haven't seen too many Americans around - wouldn't mind meeting a few. I'm from San Francisco where Asians (broad term) are abundant, but while Groningen does have a little diversity, it is not what I'm used to.
    I did recently stumble upon the Jumbo supermarket by Euroborg where they have a good selection of many foreign products, including a lot of oriental ingredients. I'm Filipina so I was happy to find most ingredients I've sorely missed.

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