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Moving to London

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Hi everyone.

I'm from Penang, Malaysia, and I have always wanted to move to London. It has been my wish for many years and I'm hoping that London will become my permanent home. But first I need your help to find a job. I'm looking for an Information Technology company that will become my visa sponsor.

With a BBA in Management Information Systems and an MS in Project Management, I am seeking a challenging position as a technical analyst in the technology industry.

I have a strong background in website design, technical support, and database design. I am self-motivated, and ability to work with little or no supervision. I’m always willing to learn new skills or techniques. I always open to new ideas and concepts, and I am able to work independently or as part of a team with carrying out multiple tasks or projects.

I would really appreciate if anyone can give me some advise.

Thank you.


Harrison Yeoh

کاربر حذف شده برو به پروفایل

  • پست شده توسط  در لندن فروم 

    From my experience (20 years) I would say it is always better to learn something new (though I can NOT call GWT, Flex, JSF new) then to get certified at all...
    I have NO certifications and am contracting for the last 12 years...

  • hello

    پست شده توسط کاربر حذف شده در لندن فروم 

    My advice would be to specialize. Pick a field within IT (security, operations, software development, networks etc) and learn everything you can about current trends, emerging technologies and what's going on in the industry. Do a few small projects in your own time if you can, so that you have something to show your prospective employers.

    Good luck!

  • Aaren Ace

    پست شده توسط  در لندن فروم 

    careers abroad are really an exciting prospect, but you have to be really careful of the legal implications, if you don't do your research right, there can be undesirable results! The site in the box below has lots of tips and tricks on careers abroad, my buddy discovered it.You have quite good IT skills.

  • dreamBeach v برو به پروفایل

    پست شده توسط  در لندن فروم 

    There's a lot of UK job search sites. You may apply online. IT related skills is in demand in UK. You have a very good credentials and I'm sure you will be qualified in any IT companies, especially you have PM knowledge.

    Good luck!

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