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Just Landed - Feedback, Suggestions and Bugs

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Help us improve the Just Landed Community! We're looking for feedback, critizism or suggestions for future enhancements.

If you find any bugs or things that seem to wrong, please post them in this discussion as well. When posting a bug (problem), please tell us which browser you're using.

Please post your feedback in English so other community members can understand it as well. Thanks!

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  • پست شده توسط  در جهان فروم 

    It looks like there was a problem on the foto upload with Internet Explorer which should now be fixed. If anybody still has a problem with their picture upload, please let us know.

    Regards, Dan

  • پست شده توسط  در جهان فروم 

    I figured it out. I needed to change my file from a jpg to gif. Once i did worked! :) who knew! Now I'm no longer a cat. :)


  • پست شده توسط  در جهان فروم 

    Hi. Great site.

    Question...I can't seem to upload any of my jpeg, gif or other pics. I've tried resizing, but all are under the 6 MB limit. Everything should be fine...I can upload no problem on other sites like my facebook acct etc...the only picture I could get to upload was of this cat with headphones...hahaha...not what I was looking for...but it will do until I can get it sorted out. Any ideas?????
    Thanks again.

    Love the site. :)

  • پست شده توسط  در جهان فروم 

    Hi Luis! You can send your friend a message through the message system, but we do not have any real-time chat yet. Regards, Daniel

  • Dorota ...

    پست شده توسط  در جهان فروم 


    On the left side of the site you have personal settings.
    Click "edit my profile", you will see your photo there and next to it, on the right, there is "change picture", it is in blue..
    Click on the blue link then..
    Next click: "choose"
    Choose the photo from your computer, click on it, it will be ready to be uploaded here.
    And next click: "upload photo".
    It will be changed then..
    6MB is allowed, so it is really a lot, so there shouldn't be any problems with its size.

    You will manage to do that, I am pretty sure:))


    پست شده توسط  در جهان فروم 

    I was surfing the net to find a good community site & honestly this site was best one ... Congratulations for the good job & the good site

  • پست شده توسط  در جهان فروم 

    Hi Daniel! This is something we have already planned for development. We need to add a name search in the "find friends" view. For the time being, the only way to find your niece is to scan the people in her community, which obviously is very time consuming. We will get this fixed as soon as possible!

  • Daniel J Potaracke

    پست شده توسط  در جهان فروم 


    Maybe I'm doing it right but, is there a way to find someone who you know is a member? I would like to find my niece whom I know is a justlanded member.


  • Simon Lynch

    پست شده توسط  در جهان فروم 

    You can now chose to 'hide' your profile from search engines. What this means is that when your profile is called there is a tag in the page which tells the search engines not to index the page. For the technical, this is a meta tag like this: meta name="robots" content="noindex".

    What does this mean? Well all the major engines say they support this and pages with it will not be in their searchable index. If you make a change to this setting it will probably take a while for the engines to pick up on the change and remove the page from their index.

    Thanks for the feedback. We are listening :)

  • پست شده توسط  در جهان فروم 

    Thanks for the feedback Maurizio. This is already ticketed up for future development. Regards, Daniel

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