2025 2nd International Conference on Innovative Education and Learning Resources (ielr 2025)

2025 2nd International Conference on Innovative Education and Learning Resources (ielr 2025)

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Fukuyama, Japan

هیروشیما, ژاپن Map

★Call for papers★
* Learning Management Systems (LMS)
* Videos for Learning
* Simulation and Immersive Technologies
* Computer-Assisted Instruction
* Life-long learning
* Home schooling
* Differentiated learning
* Early Childhood Education
* Creativity and Design Thinking
* Education Practice Trends and Issues
* Service-Learning and Community Engagement
For details about topics, please visit: http://www.ielr.org/cfp.html

All papers submitted to the conference will be subjected to the rigorous peer-review process. IELR 2025 all accepted papers will be pubished into IELR 2025 Conference Proceedings, which submitted for *Ei Compendex*, and *Scopus* and are expected to be widely read and cited.

1. Full paper(publication and presentation)
2. Abstract (presentation)

For full paper, please upload it to the Electronic Submission System. http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/ielr2025
For abstract, please send it to ielr_conf@outlook.com
More detail about submission, please visit: http://www.ielr.org/sub.html

★★Conference Schedule★★
April 18, 2025---Participants check-in & Materials Collection
April 19, 2025(Morning)----Openning Remarks & Keynote Speeches
April 19, 2025(Afternoon)----Author Presentation
April 20, 2025----Author Presentation

★Conference Venue★
Fukuyama University, Japan

Mrs. Yumiko
Webtsite: http://www.ielr.org/
Email: ielr_conf@outlook.com
Tel: +86-137-3111-1131

Vera Foster برو به پروفایل
 Vera Foster