Quality Smile

درباره من

Quality Smile
 Quality Smile
درباره من:
Outgoing, easygoing fun kinda guy who likes to travel, ask me if you want to know more.
زندگی در:
Adelaide (Australia)
زبان ها:
به دنبال:
دوستان, آشنایی, تماسهای کاری
Australia, China, Adelaide, Beijing, World


علاقه مندی ها:
Coffee, tea and conversation, Computers/Internet, Dining out, Movies/Videos, Music, Nightclubs/Dancing, Travel/Sightseeing, Basketball, I want to travel to different places, and make friends from around the world before I go travelling. If you are planning to visit Australia, let me know, I would love to show you around :)
موزیک مورد علاقه:
Dance, House, Funk, and more
فیلم های مورد علاقه:
I have many..one being Avatar
کتابهای مورد علاقه:
The Power of Now
چیز‌هایی‌ که من از آنها خوشم میاید:
Easygoing fun people
چیز‌هایی‌ که من از آنها بدم میاید:
bad manners
وضعیت ارتباط: