Takaisin Liettua -foorumiin

Retirement in Lithuania

Lähetetty Liettua foorumi

I am of Lithuanian descent and have many cousins there. I thought it might be nice, when I retire in the US to move there. I will receive my US retirement income so will have no need to work. Is there a provision for pensioners or retirees to live in Lithuania? How expensive are apartments? I would only need a small one, even a studio. I would like to live in Mazeikiai.

  • 尔清 于

    lähettäjä  in Liettua foorumi 


  • Siirry Marija V:n profiiliin

    lähettäjä  in Liettua foorumi 

    In Mazeikiai you can find a 1 room flat for up to 10 000 euro. Anyway, don't forget that heating prices in old buildings are high during winter time. To check what's for sale you can go to www.aroudas.lt, they have a version in English.

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