Takaisin Puola -foorumiin

British food is better than Polish food!

Lähetetty Puola foorumi

I was speaking with my Polish friend the other day, and he insulted British cuisine by saying it was terrible and all mixed-together without regard for flavours.

What do the Poles have to offer that's better than what the British eat?

Siirry Poistettu käyttäjä:n profiiliin

  • Siirry ddd sss:n profiiliin

    lähettäjä  in Puola foorumi 

    For the second time in a row the entrepreneurs representing the food sector from Eastern Poland participated in economic mission to Vietnam. http://polskawschodnia.eu/2012/10/eastern-poland-with-the-ec

  • EM EM

    lähettäjä  in Puola foorumi 

    I have seen an original maple syrup in Poland in many shops :-)

  • lähettäjä  in Puola foorumi 

    Turkish food and McDonalds are similar small-talk, the culture is different, our taste are different, oh and maybe this is a mountain-of-all-discusions? If You life near turkish-food-restaurant and eat every day same kind of meal that make our opinion about that food. I like maple syrup but is not able to buy it in Poland - so what we are talk about?

  • Siirry Hanna Ogrodny:n profiiliin

    lähettäjä  in Puola foorumi 

    Yeah nothing better then fish swimming in fat, old, burned oil with chips in same condition. I think your body loves it. And obviously if you was in army you had lots of training and movement that's why you didn't get fat. Most of the ppl don't have the opportunity to work in an environment where there actually are burning a massive amount on calories, I think it's obvious dude. Fast food is the worst shit for lazy asses. Maybe u feel fine now but we will see when you will grow old. Any investment in our body now will pay up later. Polish food like I said is different taste and quality, polish cuisine depends on someone taste.

  • Martin ..............

    lähettäjä  in Puola foorumi 

    Hi Hanna (Gym instructor),

    Well what can I say? After spending many years in one of the UK's elite army units, and having to be very very fit, English food seem to work great for my body. And no, I was not fat..... LOL

    But at the end of the day your Polish so that food is best for you. I have Polish food from many locations in Poland and all I can say is, "Fish n Chips any day".


  • Siirry Hanna Ogrodny:n profiiliin

    lähettäjä  in Puola foorumi 

    British food sucks, it's fat mostly, even the meat it self already taste different then polish. Poland have still the natural, old style, healthy, no fat products not stuffed with chemicals and other fake ingredients to create the shape, taste and consistence. Do you know how british make there ham? Or how much hormones they feed the chickens to grow in 1-2 weeks to look like a heavy little pig same with the rest of animals. Most of the food is on chemical basis and the animals are not on natural food grow that's why polish food is more natural, tasty and healthy. About the way of cooking it depends who like what. Cos we can also cook very fat dishes. Depends of personal preferences. That's why most british are fat cos of the food is full of saturated fats, trans fats and other things with are nearly impossible for a body to digest and get rid of. - Me, Gym instructor.

  • Martin ..............

    lähettäjä  in Puola foorumi 

    Wow thats funny.... Pierogi hahahaha

    Fish n Chips any day

  • EM EM

    lähettäjä  in Puola foorumi 

    Try Kasztelan beer...its really good :-)

  • lähettäjä  in Puola foorumi 

    I actually quite liked bigos and pierogi and I could eat zurek every day, but a nice roast beef and Yorkshire pudding- well....
    And don´t get me started on the beers. Guiness or Zywiec?

    Dammit, I think my diet is about to fail right now... :)

  • Kasia Dziewit

    lähettäjä  in Puola foorumi 

    i vote for british - maybe not the healthiest one, but so tasty!
    before i came to the UK, i used to think, that british eat crap and their food isn't very speficic (fish&chips as a traditional dish? how obvious is that! ;)), but afterwards when I had the occassion to try what they offer, i was stunned. love it, especially dishes served during xmas.

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