Takaisin Saudi Arabia -foorumiin

Re-entry and payment

Lähetetty Saudi Arabia foorumi

I worked in Saudia last 07 year with KJIC company.i come on annual leave on november 2016,for three weeks.
KJIC company HR send me mail that my leave is extend due to some job issue .they canceled my return ticker.
My re-entry expired and now company management cannot reply my mail.My service benifit still due with company.
So many time i requested for visa cancelation and for dues payment,but no action is taken.

this situation is created by Incharge HR Mr.Ahmed Ijaz.
in the light of above said it is requested you to please give me legal suport for the cancelation of visa and payment of balance dues.

liaqat ali

  • abu nasser

    lähettäjä  in Saudi Arabia foorumi 

    ? if you Having problems in issuing residency ( issuing iqama ) or transfer Sponsor or Change of profession or Issuing visit visas or any problems that you have in Foreigners Affairs of saudi arabia and with any regard of government problems related, we can help you out in Saudi Arabia With our interest in fast delivery and Speed in achievement, Just give us a call .

    To contact / 00966548204425

    ? تخليص معاملات الجوازات في اسرع وقت وبأي كميات من نقل كفاله وتعديل مهن وغيرها .

    - يمكننا تخليص جميع معاملات الجوازات السعودية من نقل كفاله وتعديل مهن واصدار تأشيرات زيارة وغيرها بما يتعلق بأي مشاكل متعلقة في شؤون الأجانب مع ضمان سرعة انجاز الاعمال بأسرع وقت ممكن وبأي كميات نستقبلها سواء كانت من جهة ( أفراد أو مؤسسات أو شركات ) .

    للتواصل / 00966548204425

  • lähettäjä  in Saudi Arabia foorumi 


    The only way to extend your exit re-entry is by your sponsor.

    If you get in touch with them , you can make a power of attorney ( Attested by the Ministry of Foriegn Affairs in your country + Saudi Embassy in your country ) to one of your relatives or friend to receive your end of service to receive it on behalf of you. This is the legal way.

    If you want to complain , you can ask one of your friends to call the ministry of Labor in Saudi by this number 19911

    I hope my answers will be useful for you.


  • Siirry liaqat ali:n profiiliin

    lähettäjä  in Saudi Arabia foorumi 

    Dear sir,
    thanks you reply in detail.I understand the situation.
    With Best Regards,

  • Siirry Mazhar Ashraf:n profiiliin

    lähettäjä  in Saudi Arabia foorumi 

    If your Iqama is still valid and if your Company likes you to come back, they can do it by writing a letter to Saudi Embassy or Consulate requesting them to extend your re-entry for 15 days enabling you to travel back but why they will do it??? You best knew it.
    You cannot come on other visa too until that your visa is cancelled thru Passport office by your Sponsor, though it is expired but need to be cancelled in Passport Office System.
    The other way as someone mentioned that you need to contact nearby Saudi Embassy or Consulate to lodge official complaint against that Company to pay you your final dues.
    All the best brother.

  • Siirry liaqat ali:n profiiliin

    lähettäjä  in Saudi Arabia foorumi 

    Dear sir,

    Thanks for reply and nice information.i discuss you the following points.
    I am in pakistan .My re-entry is expired .My Iqama validity is up to Nov,2017.Meanwhile i can enter in KSA on other visa or do you have any solution ,that i can come to KSA.
    My re-entry issue ,this is not company management issue ,this is one HR guy issue .So i want to submit a legal request against him.please guide me the way.
    Also my dues are with company ,i want to claim ,please show me a legal way ,i cant discuss my issue.

  • sa sa

    lähettäjä  in Saudi Arabia foorumi 

    You have to call Saudi embassy in you country and make complain about that company

  • Siirry Mazhar Ashraf:n profiiliin

    lähettäjä  in Saudi Arabia foorumi 

    Mr. Liaquat,
    Your visa shall only be cancelled after its expiry date by your Company.
    What was the validity of your re-entry visa? If it is still valid and if you wish to come back by buying your own ticket and pursue your final settlement personally. But I am not sure if it is still valid as it has been more than 6 months and maximum re-entry is allowed is for 6 months!
    So it looks coming back is impossible. Find a source of someone to visit your Company and enquire about your status and demand for your settlement.
    Best of Luck.

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